
A Jesus Culture Church

Make Disciples

February 11, 2024 • Chris Staples • Matthew 28:18–20, 1 Peter 4:10, 1 Corinthians 11:1, Romans 8:13–14, Philemon 8–19

In this episode of the "Make Disciples" series, Chris Staples dives into the exciting concept of building a Jesus culture church. He takes inspiration from Matthew 28:18-20, the Great Commission, and Philemon's letter to explore three key pillars of creating a community centred around Jesus and his teachings.

1. See Potential in Everyone:

Staples reminds us that Jesus saw potential in everyone, like the fishermen Peter and Andrew he called to be his disciples. He encourages us to follow suit, recognizing the unique gifts and abilities within each member of our church community.

2. Give Ourselves:

Building a Jesus culture church requires sacrifice and dedication. Staples emphasizes the importance of following Christ's example and giving ourselves wholeheartedly to serving others, just as Paul did for Onesimus in the book of Philemon.

3. Live in the Power of the Holy Spirit:

True transformation comes through the power of the Holy Spirit. Staples draws from Acts 1 and Romans 8 to underscore the importance of being led by the Spirit, putting to death the desires of the flesh, and embracing the truth that sets us free.

This episode will challenge and inspire you to:

* Recognize the potential within others in your church community.

* Consider how you can personally contribute to building a Jesus culture.

* Seek the power of the Holy Spirit to guide you in your walk of faith.

Are you ready to be part of a church that reflects the heart of Jesus? Then listen to this episode and join Chris Staples on this journey of making disciples and building a vibrant Jesus culture church.

Stronger Together

April 28, 2024 • Stuart Nelson • Ephesians 4:11–12, Acts 2:42–47, Hebrews 10:24–25, Proverbs 27:17, Ephesians 2:19–21

Feeling isolated on your faith journey? This week in the "Making Disciples" series, Stuart Nelson explores the power of Christian community. He dives into Ephesians 4:11-12, reminding us that God equips his church with gifted individuals to build each other up. Stuart explores inspiring passages like Acts 2:42-47, showcasing the early church's dedication to fellowship, prayer, and shared meals. Discover how being part of a strong Christian community can: Equip you through teaching and shared knowledge (Ephesians 2:19-21, 2 Peter 3:18) Motivate you to grow in your faith through encouragement and accountability (Hebrews 10:24-25) Sharpen your faith through interaction with others (Proverbs 27:17) Nelson shares an acronym on how being in a life group is "BEST". Join us and discover the power of being "Stronger Together"!

Where do I fit

April 21, 2024 • Adrian Porter • Matthew 14:22–36, 1 Corinthians 12:4–12

We are not like a family, we are a family! What purpose to you have for God? What gift of the holy spirit do you have? Everyone has at least one. How do we identify the gifts God gave you? Some people will know what your gift is, others may be fearful of the gift they have been given but God knows you and will give you the perfect gift for you. It is your choice if you activate your gift, you will not be forced into it.

Love comes First

April 14, 2024 • Mark Doyle • 1 John 4:7–8, John 3:16, Ephesians 5:2