
The High Ground

The path to God's best

A Grateful Heart

August 30, 2015 • Pastor Paul Foster

Gratitude is more than just a positive attribute. It's integrated in all positive attributes. Therefore, having a grateful heart is essential to the Christ-follower. Pastor Paul shares what a grateful heart looks like and how we can strive to have it in our lives.

The Power of Patience

August 22, 2015 • Pastor Paul Foster

If you're a normal person, you struggle with patience. However, the Bible calls us to be patient people, and there is great benefits to being patient. Pastor Paul shares why patience is such a hard thing to maintain in our culture, the importance of it in our lives, and where the source of patience lies.

Strong Roots

August 16, 2015 • Pastor Paul Foster

The fruit we produce as Christians is only as good as the strength of our roots in Jesus. However, there are many things competing for our focus, weakening our roots. Pastor Paul shares the importance of strong roots and what habits we can establish to produce good fruit.

The To-Do List

August 9, 2015 • Pastor Paul Foster

It's easy to think that we need to work, checking off a to-do list, in order to please God. However, Scripture shows a different picture. Pastor Paul shares the importance of fighting against a to-do list perspective and what we should focus on instead.

God-Given Potential

August 2, 2015 • Pastor Paul Foster

We all have God-given potential, but it can be difficult to see what that potential is. God desires that we see our potential and pursue it. Pastor Paul shares the importance of a clear vision and how we can find our potential.