

September 6, 2015 • Pastor John Smart

God is a relational God, and we are made in His image. Connecting with Jesus' church is how God intended us to live and an essential component of accomplishing his mission to reach the lost and make disciples. Pastor John shares the significance of connecting and how Jesus reflected the importance of living a connected life.

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Get Baptized

October 4, 2015 • Pastor John Smart

Baptism is an outward expression of an incredible inward change. Pastor John pauses to look at what baptism symbolizes and the importance of being baptized.


September 27, 2015 • Pastor Paul Foster

God gives each and every one of us a vision for what He wants us to do in His church and in our lives. Pastor Paul shares how we discover this vision and the importance of following His prompting in our lives.


September 20, 2015 • Pastor Paul Foster

We are surrounded by a consumer culture which has even bled into the church. However, we were not designed to be consumers. Pastor Paul shares the importance of being spiritual contributors individually and collectively.