
Living Righteous

August 17, 2014 • David Corbin

People constantly seek satisfaction and contentment, but it always seems elusive. We can't find anything in this world that will truly satisfy us. Jesus has an answer to this dilemma, however. David Corbin shares how we can practically make our lives satisfying and content in Jesus.

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Jesus is Supreme

July 25, 2015 • Pastor John Smart

While men and women are used throughout the Bible to accomplish great things, they are used for one reason only, to glorify God. What does it mean to glorify God and why does He seek to be glorified? Pastor John explains what it means to glorify God and how His supremacy is shown throughout Scripture.

Created To Create

July 19, 2015 • Pastor Paul Foster

God is a creator, and we are no different. We were created to create. Pastor Paul shows how we are creators and the importance of creating on the Christian life.

The Best Laid Plans

July 12, 2015 • Steve Healy

We like to control the direction of our lives. Many of us have plans for the future that we cling to. Having plans is not wrong, but we must understand that our desires don't trump God's plans. Steve Healy shares the perspective we should have when we look at our futures and what that means for us.