
The Purpose of the Church

January 24, 2016 • Pastor John Smart

Pastor John preaches to an empty room about the purpose of the church, and Steve and John talk specifically about Lighthouse's strategy for accomplishing this purpose.

You Are The Church

January 31, 2016 • Pastor Paul Foster

The church isn't just a building. It's His followers. God calls each one of us to be the church and a light in a dark world, but He doesn't leave us to do this on our own. Pastor Paul shares our calling and what He does for each one of us as we accomplish His mission.

The Call of Jesus

January 17, 2016 • Pastor Paul Foster Jr. and Sr.

Every one of Jesus' followers are called to some form of ministry. This calling requires action, and it makes it all the more important to guard our heart. Pastor Paul Jr. and Sr. share the significance of Jesus' call on our life, show how we can guard our heart, and reveal new leaders God has called to aid His mission at Lighthouse Church.

Jesus' Heart For His Church

January 10, 2016 • Pastor Paul Foster

Jesus is passionate about His church and the role it is to play. Churches have a responsibility to pursue His mission. Pastor Paul shares the role of the church and every member within it.