
Touching Heaven, Changing Earth

April 15th - Pastor Fred

April 15, 2018 • Pastor Fred Hartley

Pastor Fred Hartley from the College of Prayer returns with an important reminder that we receive God's manifest presence and power for the purpose of going out and reaching the lost of this world.

Unity does Miracles

March 1, 2020 • Gil Blanco

Gil Blanco Mexicali Base Director and Pastor at Luz Admirable Church speaks about how in our churches, schools and communities miracles happen through unity.

President John Stumbo

February 23, 2020 • CMA President John Stumbo

CMA President John Stumbo speaks about the three biggest questions we ask : When, What and Who.

Heavy Hands

February 9, 2020 • Michael Kissel

Michael speaks about: Our goal is to introduce people to Jesus, lighten burdens by helping people walk in freedom of God's reality, to serve Jesus in imitation of His own obedience to the Father and love towards others.