
We Are Family

October 10, 2021 • Ben Stuckey • Mark 3:31–35, Mark 6:1–6, John 7:1–14

Jesus was rejected by his family but he went on to create a bigger family and we are a part of that today (church). Small places can create more community

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Can You Hear Me Now

October 3, 2021 • Ben Stuckey • Exodus 3, Exodus 4

How Dare You

September 26, 2021 • Ben Stuckey • Luke 4:14–30

Jesus never had a Hallmark Moment when we attempted to do ministry in his hometown. As a matter of fact, after we hear him give one of his first sermons in the synagogue, He is literally run out of town! He speaks to the hearts of the people’s sins, and they hate it so much they try to throw him off a cliff. People don’t like to hear their sins from someone they grew up with.

Bad Reputation

September 19, 2021 • Ben Stuckey • John 4

The woman at the well reminds us that in a small town our sin doesn’t have to define us. We can lead even if others think we have a “bad reputation.” The woman at the well was, by all means, a sinner, but once she realized who Jesus was, she was not going to allow her “Bad Reputation” to keep her from bringing others to Jesus!