
Desired Destination

March 20, 2022 • Nathan Rasbaugh

Out of Naomi’s brokenness, and through her lineage by marriage, her journey with Ruth allowed her daughter-in-law to find and marry Boaz. They have a child. They named him Obed, the father of Jesse, the father of David.
El Shaddai - means God is always Ample, always Adequate, He is always Enough.


April 17, 2022 • Nathan Rasbaugh • John 20:24–31, Luke 24:11, John 6:51–69, Mark 16:1–7, John 20:2–8

He has risen! He has risen indeed!

Palms To Thorns

April 10, 2022 • Nathan Rasbaugh • Matthew 21

- The Jews were expecting a Deliverer, a Savior, but they had THEIR OWN expectations of what that should look like! - They wanted to be delivered from Rome, a Kingdom re-established in Israel. - Too many were looking at the politics! We know our God cares about the HEART! - Jesus came to establish a Kingdom NOT of this world! - What expectations do you put on God?

Birthing The Glory

April 3, 2022 • Louis Jackson III • Luke 1:26–38

God gives ordinary people divine potential, but faith is the only way to realize that potential.