
Not How I See It

November 7, 2021 • Ben Stuckey • Luke 5:1–11

God’s ways are not our ways. We hear it, and we know it... But we have trouble seeing God’s potential for our lives. When Peter didn’t believe they could catch fish, Jesus responded with a “That's not how I see it!” He told Peter to go back out there and try again, and they brought in such a haul Peter realized he was standing in the presence of the power of God.


November 21, 2021 • Nathan Rasbaugh

- Almost anytime God is moving in our lives, he’s going to ask us to take a step of faith. - God Blesses our Obedience - Attitude of Gratitude - Count our blessings

That's Not How I Do It

November 14, 2021 • Ben Stuckey • Romans 14

You don’t find your identity in what you do. You learn about others to win them. You don’t go against your conscience.

The Devil Is In The Details

October 31, 2021 • Ben Stuckey • Genesis 3:1–13

We hear the phrase, “the Devil is in the Details,” all the time, and it is usually after we have forgotten to pay attention to detail and we are having a problem, our plans have fallen apart, or looking back at a mistake. Or, we can say it hesitantly, when we want to move forward quickly, without paying attention to details.