
Christmas 2024: Do Not Fear

Why We All Need To Discover The Prince of Peace

December 24, 2023 • Pastor Wesley Richards • Luke 2:13

On October 7 this year, the peace of small communities in Southern Israel was suddenly shattered when invading Hamas terrorists killed 1,200 Israelis and foreign nationals in their homes and quiet neighbourhoods. Men, women, children and babies were butchered in the worst atrocities against Jewish people since the Holocaust.      Since then, a brutal war has raged with great devastation, resulting in great upheaval in Israel, thousands of deaths in Gaza and protests around the world. At the same time the brutal war in the Ukraine grinds on relentlessly having already claimed many thousands of lives.     Peace, without doubt, is one of the greatest needs of our world today. We need peace between nations and within nations. We need peace in communities, families and in countless individuals.     So many people are stressed and agitated today. You see it on the roads. You see it in shopping centres. You see it in schools. You see it in the workplace.     Bestselling author and pastor Rick Warren said: “I talk to thousands of people. I meet people who are active, who are busy, who are stressed, who are tired, who are ambitious and have great dreams, …I rarely meet people who are totally at peace... people who at peace with themselves, at peace with the world, ...people who are literally walking in peace. It’s a rare quality.”    Are one of those rare people who are walking in peace or whether you are in serious need of peace. Is your mind overloaded right now? Can you ever switch off from thinking about problems and responsibilities? Is there stillness or a storm on the inside of you? Do you need God’s Christmas gift of peace?    The good news is that that through Jesus you can have peace in all situations. 700 years before He was born, Jesus was described by the prophet Isaiah as ‘the Prince of Peace, Prince of Peace, of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end’ (Isaiah 9:6-7).     When Jesus was born, the angels praised the Saviour who would bring peace to all who received Him (Luke 2:13). One of the central messages of Christmas and of Christianity is that Jesus Christ is the ultimate source of all true peace. Only He can bring real peace on earth. Because of the Prince of Peace:    1. You can know peace with yourself (John 14:27; Colossians 3:15; Philippians 4:6-7)  2. You can know peace with others (Hebrews 12:14; Galatians 3:26,28)  3. You can know peace with God (Romans 5:1, 6-9)    Apply    1. You can know peace with yourself. The peace of God is a peace that is strong and enduring. It stops our hearts being troubled and removes our fears (John 14:27). The Jewish word for peace is ‘shalom’. Shalom means well-being, harmony and serenity. The apostle Paul, who himself survived shipwreck and many other negative experiences, discovered how to have inner peace in all circumstances (Colossians 3:15; Philippians 4:6-7). How is this possible? Well the peace of God is not like a temporary and fragile human peace. It is a supernatural peace which defies logic and circumstances. It’s a peace that literally stands guard like a soldier and it is interesting what it guards: your hearts and your minds. When our minds are attacked and our hearts are wounded we must learn to be quick to come to the Lord and receive His peace that steadies us and protects us. The Prince of Peace stands ready to give us peace within ourselves. Today whatever it is that is bringing unrest to your heart and mind, you need to know too that you can have peace with yourself.    2. You can know peace with others. You can know peace in every relationship (Hebrews 12:14).   - You can know peace in your marriage: A study has shown that January 8th is the busiest day of the year for divorce lawyers when up to one in five couples will enquire about divorce after the pressures of Christmas. But it doesn’t have to be this way. When the Prince of peace come into your marriage, His presence will cause anger and bitterness to melt away. Instead of rows and tensions, you will come closer together with a new gentleness and love towards each other.   - You can know peace in your home: Sadly, today the home, instead of being a haven of peace, is more like a battle ground with visible or hidden conflict between children, parents and partners. Some families are so used to shouting, arguing and backchat that they think this is normal life. But this isn’t God’s plan for your home. You can all learn to appreciate each other. You can know new joy and peace in your family. You can laugh together and cry together and be there for one another. If your family is struggling right now, don’t give up. God’s peace can come to any home and it takes just one member of the home to have the peace and to speak peacefully for that peace to spread.  - You can know peace with all people: The nearer we come to God the closer we can come to one another. All division and discrimination can be broken down when we have the peace and love of Christ hearts.  As Christians we are called to live differently in a world of agitation, sexism, racism, and anti-Semitism and social, economic and political divisions. We are to have love and respect for all people. Everyone matters. Everyone is loved by God even though they may not walk with God (Galatians 3:26,28). So this is all very good news: when we discover the Prince of Peace, we ourselves can personally experience new peace.    3. You can know peace with God. Peace with God is the foundation for peace in every area of life. When you don’t have peace with God it affects everything else. When your relationship with God is right everything else can line up right. When you get your relationship with God in order, all other relationships fall into place. One man who led a very wild and immoral life later became one of the great leaders and thinkers of the Christian church after turning from his sin and committing to follow Jesus. His name was Augustine and he told how he had hungered for inner peace. He finally concluded that: “our heart is restless until it rests in You." You too may have a God sized gap in your life. Maybe you never realised it or maybe you did and ran away from it. But either way making your peace with God is the biggest and best decision you will ever make in your life. The Bible teaches that not only that there is a God but also that Jesus alone can bring us into fellowship with God. Jesus came to restore peace between us and God. When He died the heavy curtain in the Temple in Jerusalem which separated unholy people from a holy God was torn in two from top to bottom. We have peace with God because of what Jesus has done for us (Romans 5:1). We can’t make peace. He is the ultimate peacemaker. Jesus came to give his life to pay the price of our sins that separate us from God (Romans 5:6-9). Today is a moment for you to discover the Prince of Peace. Make your peace with God and enjoy the peace of God in your heart and mind and in every experience in life.    How much peace is there in your life? Do you need to have peace with yourself? Do you need to be more peaceful towards your husband, wife, family and others? Do you need to make your peace with God? You can when you ask the Prince of Peace to still every storm in your life and let His peace rule your heart and mind. Today receive the greatest gift of peace.  

Living With Joy In A World Of Fear

December 17, 2023 • Pastor Wes Richards • Luke 2:10–11

In a world where there are so many reasons to fear, it is possible to live with hope. The words ‘do not be afraid’ are declared throughout the Christmas story.     This message to ‘not be afraid’ was given to Zechariah, a faithful but childless priest, who was told that he would become the father of John the Baptist, even though he and his wife were very old (Luke 1:12-13). It was repeated to Mary, a young unmarried woman at the other end of the age scale who suddenly discovered that she would become a mother-the mother of Jesus (Luke 1:30-32). And we see that same message was given to a very frightened group of shepherds in the fields of Bethlehem (Luke 2:8-15).      Let’s look a little closer at these words from Luke 2:10-11: But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.”    There are some great truths contained in these few words that show us how we can live without fear:    1. Don’t be afraid because you can experience great joy (Luke 2:10; Matthew 2:10; Hebrews.1:9; Romans 14:17; Luke 15:7; Isaiah 61:3; Nehemiah 8:10)  2. Don’t be afraid because you can be saved (Luke 2:11; Matthew 1:21; Isaiah 53:4-6)  3. Don’t be afraid because you can live confidently under the rule of Jesus (Luke2:11)    Apply    1. Don’t be afraid because you can experience great joy. Joy is one of the greatest needs of our world today. Happily, joy is a recurring word throughout the Christmas story and throughout the Bible. The message of Christianity and of Christmas is good news in a bad news world (Luke 2:10). When Mary met Elizabeth who was pregnant with John the Baptist, Elisabeth said ‘As soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy’ (Luke 1:43). When the wise men saw the star, they were overjoyed (Matthew 2:10). The life and ministry of Jesus was marked by joy, especially from the crowds who witnessed His teaching, miracles and compassion. Jesus Himself was anointed with the oil of joy (Hebrews.1:9). His disciples became known for their joy, even when they were persecuted and imprisoned (Romans 14:17). Joy, in C.S. Lewis’s memorable phrase, is ‘the serious business of heaven.’ Real Christianity is a joyful faith. In the story of the Prodigal Son, the Father (representing God) throws a big party when His son turns back to him. There is ‘rejoicing in heaven over one sinner that repents’ (Luke 15:7).  When the spirit of the Lord is on us, we will ‘receive the oil of gladness instead of mourning and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair’ (Isaiah 61:3). So then, the good news of Christianity is that when you come to know the Lord, you will not be sad and depressed. You don’t have to despair or be defined by your circumstances, experiences or what people say think or say about you. Instead you can have an inner joy even in the most difficult of times. As Nehemiah 8:10 says: “Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength." You can experience great joy in your life when you experience Jesus.      2. Don’t be afraid because you can be saved (Luke 2:11). What is a saviour? A saviour is someone who rescues people from danger, from trouble, from oppression, fears and enemies. Now God can do all that for you, but Jesus came specifically to save us from the greatest the problem every person on earth faces: the problem of sin. The Bible teaches that everyone has sinned and needs rescuing from the power and pain of living independently from God. Sin is a root in every human heart that first incites us to do wrong and then captures us and finally destroys us. That’s why everyone needs saving and that’s why Jesus came (Matthew 1:21). The famous Christmas song from Boney M puts it like this: “Oh my Lord/You sent Your son to save us/Oh my Lord/Your very self You gave us/Oh my Lord/That sin may not enslave us/And love may reign once more.” Jesus was born to die as He came to earth on a rescue mission for all humanity. At the Cross He would lay down His life, the pure for the impure, the innocent to for the guilty to save us from our sins by His shed blood (Isaiah 53:4-6). The good news is that Jesus came to save us from everything destructive, both internally and externally. This means that you can be forgiven for your sins. You can be free from whatever holds you captive. You can have your heart cleansed and healed. You can a live or purity and purpose and be sure and so that’s you will spend eternity with God. When you know that you certainly don’t have to fear.    3. Don’t be afraid because you can live confidently under the rule of Jesus (Luke 2:11). Christ is not Jesus’ second name. Christ is a title which means Messiah, the anointed one, chosen to sit on that eternal throne and to usher in the peace and security that this world needs. Lord means that He is ruler, the sovereign, the Lord of the universe. In other words, this Messiah who was born is God Himself. And we too can be part of His kingdom living under His authority. Many today want the nations to be ruled by sharia law or communist dictatorship but the best way to live is by recognising that Jesus is the head over everything. His reign always brings freedom from fear. For as the famous carol “Joy to the World” proclaims: “He rules the world with truth and grace, and makes the nations prove the glories of His righteousness. And wonders of His love, and wonders of His love, and wonders, wonders of His love.” You will never regret it when you receive Jesus as you saviour and Lord. Today you can experience the love of Jesus that drives out fear. The Christmas message is a universal message, for all people at all times. No one is excluded. It is for the poor shepherds and the rich and educated wise men. It is for men and women. It is for single and married. It is for young and old. It is for black and brown and white and olive skinned. The Christmas message is a personal message: It’s good news for you: a Saviour has been born to you. For sure God loves the world but He also loves you personally. You matter to Him. He knows you by name. He lived for you, died for you, rose from the dead for you. The Christmas message is an ever-relevant message. It’s good news for today (Luke 2:11). The Bible teaches that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. While He is not physically here on earth, we can still know His love, His joy His peace, His comfort, His power by the presence of the Holy Spirit. Today pray and draw near to Jesus. 

Don't Fear: Mary

December 10, 2023 • Pastor Adriana Richards

Today so many people are afraid for so many reasons. We may have fears about our health, our families, our finances and our future. And of course, we may fear many negative things that we see happening in the world around us.     But the Christmas story tells us that we do not have to fear. Instead, we can confidently put our trust in God who is real and completely reliable. We can know His peace and comfort in our minds and in our emotions.     The phrase ‘do not be afraid’ occurs 365 times throughout the Bible-one for every day of the year - and is repeated at different moments in the Christmas story, including with Zechariah as we heard last week (Luke 1:12-13). This same command, ‘do not fear’ was repeated to someone at the other end of the age scale: a young unmarried woman who suddenly discovered that she would become a mother - the mother of Jesus, the saviour of the world (Luke 1:26-38).    The story of the virgin birth of Jesus is reported in the Bible as fact, not fiction. Many cynics and comedians have dismissed the origin of Christ as a myth and make believe. But the Scriptures clearly declare that Jesus was conceived in the womb of his mother Mary by a miraculous work of the Holy Spirit and without a human father.    Since this story really happened at one moment in history, can you imagine how Mary would have felt hearing this news? She was not married, and she was going to be pregnant but not by her future husband who was so faithful with her. What would she say to him? What would he say? How would people in their small community react? And how would she explain that her baby was actually the long-awaited Messiah?      No wonder the Bible says she was ‘greatly troubled’ and asked "How will this be since I am a virgin?" But in this moment the angel said to her “do not be afraid”. These are words from God that we all need to hear from God and receive in our hearts. Don’t be afraid. Don’t be fearful. Stop being anxious. The Bible shows us how we can live without fear. In this story we see strong reasons why Mary moved from fear to faith-reasons that apply to us all.   1. You do not have to fear because you can know God’s favour (Luke 1:28; Luke 4:18-19)  2. You do not have to fear because God can do the impossible (Luke 1:37)  3. You do not have to fear because God can change your life for ever (Luke 1:38)    Apply    1. You do not have to fear because you can know God’s favour. Mary was young, poor, and a female with few rights. She was living in the middle of nowhere. She did not seem significant, just a name on a census form. Her education and her ambitions were limited. But the angel of the Lord said that she was highly favoured (Luke 1:28). Favour is one of the great themes of the Christmas story and of Christianity (Luke 4:18-19). Favour means that God is for you not against you. He wants to bless you and come close to you. Maybe that is a big surprise to you but God is for you. Jesus came not to condemn but to save you from your own sins and from all forms of evil. Right from the beginning of time we read that everything that God created was good. God is good and He wants to do good things in your life. God wants to help you and show you His favour. God’s favour can take many forms. He can bless you in your marriage and in your family. He can bless you in your health and in your finances. He can bless you by bringing good out of bad situations. He can bless you with His protection and providential guidance. He can bless you with peace and prosperity in your career. Above all He can bless you with His presence. You can know God as your friend, your deliverer from guilt and fear and shame. You can experience the spiritual favour of forgiveness, of new life, where you come to know and trust God. You can know Him as your strength and support in times of trouble. You can know that you are precious to Him. Even in the everyday things in life you can find favour: favour for a job, in finding a parking space in a crowded area, favour in your shopping when something you wanted for Christmas is still available with a big discount in the January sales. Seriously our heavenly father can give us more favour than we might imagine. You can find favour, both in big and small matters, not because you deserve it but simply because of God’s love, mercy and amazing grace. Never mind how afraid or uncertain you may be right now, when you know the Lord your best days and greatest joys are ahead.    2. You do not have to fear because God can do the impossible. God is a great God who can work miracles (Luke 1:37). He can do what is not naturally possible. Miracles were a common part of the life and ministry of Jesus. He healed the lepers. He gave sight to the blind. He made the deaf hear and the mute speak. He caused the paralysed to get up and walk. He delivered the demonised. He Himself was raised back to life after the most terrible death. In our reading all this was to come, but Mary, despite her fears and uncertainty, chose to believe that nothing is impossible with God and that when God is on your case all options are open. Of course, sometimes it is difficult to have faith especially if you have had a tough life and have been waiting a long time for your miracle. But God can do miracles. Nothing is impossible with God.      3. You do not have to fear because God can change your life for ever. Mary let go of her fears and submitted herself to God’s will (Luke 1:38). From that point on this ordinary and unknown young woman would become revered throughout history. Although that was a unique miracle, your life too will be different, for time and eternity, when you discover the God of favour and surrender your life to Him.   - Change comes in you: In Mary’s case a baby was conceived through supernatural intervention. Long before the days of IVF treatment she believed that God could cause a seed of life to be implanted within her. When people have a close encounter with God it is like a new birth. The life of God is like a seed that is planted within you. You have new desires and ambitions. You want to please God and live right.   - Change comes through you: For sure God wanted to show his favour to Mary. But through her he wanted to bless everyone who would ever walk on planet earth. So it is also that when you come to a new experience of God’s favour and love, you will then be a blessing to your family, your colleagues, your community and the world.    Today is your moment to leave your fear and put your trust in God. His favour and love is towards you. He can do what seems impossible for you. He can bring wonderful change to you and through you. Today His Holy Spirit is making Jesus real to you. He is calling you by name and saying to you ‘don’t be afraid.’ 

How To Have A Hope Filled Christmas

December 3, 2023 • Pastor James Richards • Luke 1:12–13

One of the greatest lessons that we can learn from the Christmas story is that God wants you to live without fear and to go through life with faith and confidence. Overcoming fear is one of the major themes of the Bible. The Scriptures teach us that God wants us to trust in Him and receive His peace and comfort even in the most uncertain of times.      Fear is a universal human experience. We may have fears about our health, our families, our finances and our future. We may fear failure, we may fear what others think of us. And of course, we may fear many things that we see happening in the world around us whether it is increasing antisemitism, the rise of artificial intelligence, or wars such as we are witnessing in Ukraine and in Israel and Gaza.      It is no wonder that in 2020, as the world faced into the fears, lockdowns and hardships of the global Covid-19 pandemic, that the most shared, bookmarked, and highlighted verse on the YouVersion Bible App was Isaiah 41:10. In this verse God encourages us, “Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”   As we reread the familiar Christmas story, we can see different individuals who are told not to fear. One of the very first scenes of the Christmas story found in Luke chapter 1 is about the dramatic encounter a priest named Zechariah had with the angel Gabriel in the temple in Jerusalem.      Zechariah was a religious and observant man. He was a priest who served regularly in the temple in Jerusalem. He was also from a respectable family line. Luke 1:6 says that Zechariah and Elizabeth, “Were righteous in the sight of God, observing all the Lord’s commands and decrees blamelessly. 7 But they were childless because Elizabeth was not able to conceive, and they were both very old.”        Zechariah was routinely performing his regular priestly duties inside the temple when he had a supernatural encounter that resulted in him moving from being very fearful to living a life of faith. Can you imagine what a shock he had when the angel Gabriel suddenly appeared and announced that late in life he’s about to start a family?     Luke 1:12-13 tells us, “When Zechariah saw him, he was startled and was gripped with fear. But the angel said to him: “Do not be afraid, Zechariah; your prayer has been heard. Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son.”     Well, maybe you too are gripped with fears in life. But through this teaching, God wants to break all fear off you and speak his words of promise and hope to you. Zechariah's experience teaches us that we can encounter God in unexpected ways and when we least expect it! So, what can we learn from Zechariah’s encounter?:    1. You can live without fear even when you don’t understand everything that is going on in life   2. You can live without fear even when you feel you are too old   3. You can live without fear because God hears your prayers   4. You can live without fear because you have a greater future than you have imagined    Apply    1. You can live without fear even when you don’t understand everything that is going on in life. Zechariah found himself in a disorientating situation and he immediately tried to make sense of what was going on (Luke 1:18). Instead of immediately being excited, he responds with a question focussed on His circumstances. This shows how strong our fears and doubts can be when we are challenged to live our lives with faith. Notice also, his language. He manages to make it about himself and not God, saying “How can I?”, “I am old.” His religious confidence had drained, and he had been reduced to the bare bones human reality of his doubts. If we’re honest, this is a question we ask a lot in life: How can I be sure of this? We ask a lot of questions that are often fear driven: Why is my life like this? How can I keep going? How can I see things change in my life? If you want to leave your fears behind you need to silence your doubts and be more comfortable in the uncomfortable life of faith. God’s promises and plans are bigger and more powerful than your questions (Isaiah 55:8-9). Zechariah had to learn this lesson quickly to see the promise come to fruition. For Zechariah to see the miracle he had to stop speaking out his doubts and know God had already answered his prayers and start believing God’s promise (Luke 1:19-20). Think about your life and your words. How quick are you to voice your questions and doubts? Questions are part of the journey of faith but if we want to move in faith and see the miracles, we need to stop speaking out our doubts and start trusting the Word of God. Once Zechariah stopped voicing his doubts and became obedient to the promise, the miracle happened (Luke 1:23-24). This Christmas is time to silence the doubts and live without fear even when you don’t understand everything that is going on in your life. Zechariah had to be patient to see the miracle. He had to be still and trust God. Often it is in the time of waiting where we truly learn to trust God, it’s where we come to a new level of humility and learn to rest in Him, His ways and His timing (Luke 1:57-58). Zechariah learned his lesson about the power of coming into agreement with God. Previously, when he had received God’s word, he responded with questions. Now he responded with faith and lined up with the promise he had received (Luke 1:59-64). When we come into agreement with God, we come into a new season of freedom where we can witness God’s miracles and can testify to the great things God can do and has done in our lives. So this is one very big lesson to learn that you can live without fear even when you don’t need to understand everything in life. Just learn to trust God, believe His promise and see how God will move powerfully in your life.      2. You can live without fear even when you feel you are too old. Zechariah and Elizabeth were old. Actually, not just old, they were very old (Luke 1:6-7). Things in life hadn’t worked out as they’d planned but God still wanted them to live by faith and not fear. Are you old or do you feel old? As David Cameron said in his final Prime Minister’s questions “I was the future once.” Maybe that’s how you feel! Well in today’s youth culture, people can feel old even in their 20s and 30s. Life goes by very quickly. But you are not too old. However old or young you are, God has a purpose for your life and every day is a gift to live and not fear (Psalms 92:14-15). Sometimes we set very clear expectations of what should happen when in life and when it doesn’t work like that we get discouraged and think life has passed us by. But we cannot let circumstance or age be our cage. We need to live with faith and not fear! You may be just going about your business, going through the motions, feeling like things have passed you by but God still wants to do great miracles in your life. This Christmas whatever your age or stage of life, be encouraged by Zechariah’s story and live a life of faith and not fear.      3. You can live without fear because God hears your prayers. This was the case with Zechariah. The Bible describes him as a righteous man and encourages him that God has heard his prayers (James 5:16). God hears us when we are broken, He hears us when we are lost in our sin and crying for help and He hears when we are doing our best trying to follow Him (Luke 1:13). Maybe you need to hear these same words this Christmas: “Do not be afraid; your prayer has been heard.” This story speaks to us about God’s faithfulness and how when God is with us, we do not to be full of fear and can rest in the knowledge that He hears and answers our prayers. This Christmas be encouraged that prayer is powerful. You may feel lost, intimidated or alone but when you open your heart to God and share from your heart, He hears you (Psalm 145:18; John 14:13-14). Make time to pray this Christmas. Spend time with God. Learn to cherish your prayer time and nourish yourself in the Word of God. Trust Him. He is with you, He is working. Rest in Him and know God is faithful. Be confident in God’s promise. Be confident that He is listening to you when you prayerfully seek Him.     4. You can live without fear because you have a greater future than you have imagined. Zechariah never imagined what was coming when he stepped inside the temple (Luke 1 :11-13). He had no idea that not only was he going to have a son, but his son was going to be John the Baptist anointed to prepare the way for Jesus the promised Messiah. The account parallels and sets the stage for the subsequent announcement of Jesus' birth to Mary, also by the angel Gabriel. We then see how Zechariah was filled with the Holy Spirit and a spirit of praise and thanksgiving (Luke 1:68-79). He thanks God that He is with them (v68); he thanks God for salvation (v69-71); he thanks God for HIs faithfulness (v72-73); he thanks God for protection (v74-75); he starts to look at his future with faith and realises great things are ahead (v76-79). God also wants you to experience his goodness, so you too can live full of praise and thanks in your life, your family, your finances, your health! You can live without fear because it is true you can have a greater future than you have imagined! Today is your day to be free from fear and come into every blessing God has for you.