
Leave The Past, Embrace The Future

December 31, 2023 • Pastor Wes Richards • Genesis 15:1, Genesis 15:5–6

As we reflect on the year gone by and look ahead to 2024, we see three simple keys to help us leave the past and embrace the future: 


1. Listen to God (Genesis 15:1) 

2. Look to God (Genesis 15:5, Joel 2:23-24) 

3. Live by faith (Genesis 15:6) 




Genesis 15:1, 5-6: After this, the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision: “Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your very great reward. 

5 He took him outside and said, “Look up at the sky and count the stars—if indeed you can count them.” Then he said to him, “So shall your offspring be.” 6 Abram believed the Lord, and he credited it to him as righteousness. 


1. Listen to God (Genesis 15:1). We need to hear the Word of the Lord, not simply listen to the opinions of others. We need to read the word of God and let God light up His word to us. Of course, God can speak to us in dreams and visions as well, but is always consistent with His word, the Bible. 


2. Look to God (Genesis 15:5). This is when Abram needed to see the possibilities and began to visualise something much greater that he had never seen before. He was one man, but he was promised a limitless inheritance. We need to dream big, much bigger in this coming year. Believe what God can do in you. You are more than you think you are. You can achieve more than you think you can. God has brought you, families, life groups and churches together with a great purpose. Big things are happening in the world, and we need to ask the Lord to do bigger things still as He is well able to. Do not look at just what you currently see. Look to what God can do. We need to see many people rising up with faith. He can provide total turnaround in your life. He can bring many to know Him. We get this vision not just by dreaming of what we want, but by looking at His Word and listening to the promises of God (i.e. Joel 2:23-24). We need to look not with natural eyes but with God-given vision. 


3. Live by faith (Genesis 15:6). You may have a dream which does not seem possible to accomplish naturally. But as you surrender to the Lord, declaring that you believe Him no matter your age, your stage of life, your situation, the state of your bank account or anything else, God will do amazing things. What happened in the last year is paving the way for all God wants to do in 2024.