
The Blessing of Opposition

May 5, 2024 • Pastor Christian Gracia • Acts 7

Pastor Christian Gracia reflects on the growth of the church and how it relates to the Church of Acts. He shares the story of Stephen in Acts 7, who delivered a sermon in the face of opposition. Christian encourages the church to build bridges with those who hold different viewpoints, using the example of Joseph and Moses, who faced opposition but were used by God for His purposes. He emphasizes that God's presence and activity are not limited to a specific time or place and that we are the temple collectively and individually. Christian also discusses how the persecution of Stephen led to the spread of Christianity to new regions and encourages the congregation to learn from Stephen's message, emphasizing the importance of building bridges, persevering through hardships, and relying on God's grace.

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The Spiritual Posture for Power

May 26, 2024 • Marcellus Casey • Acts 9:25

Pastor Marcellus Casey, one of our teaching pastors, Joined us and shared Biblical examples to caution against seeking power through unauthorized means and emphasizes the importance of humility and surrender. Using examples from the Israelites in the desert, King Saul, John the Baptist, and Simon the Sorcerer, Marcellus warns against desiring power for personal gain and exploitation. He encourages listeners to trust in God's provision and act on His timeline, rather than relying on personal performance or abilities. Marcellus also emphasizes the significance of having a pure heart and a legitimate relationship with God to access His power. 

Hard Lessons: Huge Opportunity

May 19, 2024 • Pastor Christian Newsome • Acts 8:1–8

Pastor Christian reflects on the church's journey through Acts 5-8 and draws parallels between the early Christian church and the story of Noah in Genesis. He emphasizes that Christians should not resist God's plan and instead embrace the opportunities for growth that come from hardships. He also discusses the importance of acknowledging death and aging, and the role they play in Christian growth. Pastor Christian encourages the audience to take Jesus beyond the church walls and share their faith experiences, emphasizing the importance of personal cleansing and faithfulness in spreading the gospel.

Painful Progress

April 28, 2024 • Pastor Christian Newsome • Acts 6

In the "Painful Progress" Pastor Christian shares personal experiences and biblical stories to emphasize the importance of addressing problems within the church and staying engaged in spiritual growth. He encourages the congregation to remember that setbacks and challenges are a natural part of life and can lead to growth if we don't quit. Pastor Christian references the early https://www.amazon.com/gp/search?ie=utf8&tag=summarizetech-20&index=aps&keywords=christian%20church in Acts, sharing stories of how problems were addressed and solved, leading to the growth and organization of the movement. He also emphasizes the importance of prayer, service, and understanding one's role in the church. The sermon focuses on a problem that arose in a local church and how it was solved, teaching valuable lessons about handling spiritual tension during growth.