Spiritual Leadership: Called As Servant, Shepherd And Steward

December 25, 2016

Spiritual leadership is not just a job, not just a career, but a high calling from God. Our talents, time and treasures, our very life, belong to the Lord!

We are first and foremost sons and daughters of God. Our primary position and status is being God's children, heirs of God. Our greatest purpose and pursuit is Christlikeness. We are to abide in Him, the vine. We are His friends and also, His servants. We are His friends, if we obey Him. We are His servants not because we have to, but because we want to. Out of the abundance and overflow of His love for us, where He laid down His life for us, we choose to love and serve Him and others. In the world, the greater the position one holds, the greater the authority. In the Kingdom of God, greatness comes from serving others. The purpose of our gifts and callings is for the perfecting of the saints, equip them for service, for the work of the ministry, to champion and proclaim the Gospel message to the world - the good news that Jesus saves, heals, delivers, baptizes in the Holy Spirit and is coming again!

As shepherds, we are to build up believers in the Word - feed them with spiritual milk and solid meat, so that they grow in grace and knowledge of the Lord. We are to speak the truth in love, to teach sound doctrine, reproof, correct and instruct in righteousness.

As God's stewards, we are called to be faithful. We must multiply our God-given gifts and talents for His glory, and not hide or bury them. While pride can destroy our life and ministry, false humility shows a lack of dedication and diligence for the Lord's service. In the Kingdom of God, there are those who attempt to do that which the Lord has not called them to do, and others who do nothing at all! We will give an account of how we use our talents, time and treasures at the judgment seat of Christ.