
#3. The Meek

The Beatitudes: Matthew 5

May 14, 2017 • John Carrano

When you think of qualities you'd like to have, how many of us think of being meek? When you think of meekness maybe you think of; weakness, mindlessness or a deficiency in courage. But meekness is not weakness, it is strength surrendered to the Father! In this week’s message Lead Pastor John Carrano continues our series with teaching from Matthew 5:5 on the meek.

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Reflection Questions

- What in your life have you said you were surrendering, but are still trying to control?
- Where do you need to remain patient and allow the master to continue working?
- How is Father asking you to step out in meekness?


'Be meek! Intentionally look for ways this week to surrender your rights and allow your life to find meaning and purpose in the hands of the master!'


- Matthew 4:23-25
- Matthew 5:1-2
- Matthew 5:5
- Numbers 12:3
- Matthew 11:28-29
- Romans 12:3