
Stories of Engagement

Stories of Engagement

November 1, 2015 • Kristofer Kunkel

Many of the first Jewish Christians thought that non-Jewish Gentile Christians should have to also obey the Jewish ceremonial laws, but this would take away from the gift of the good news of Jesus’ all sufficient work on the cross. Many people today see Christianity as religion - a list of things to do and not to do, but our privilege is to explain and help them understand that the Christian faith is based on grace and is all about a relationship with a loving God instead.

Stories of Engagement

October 25, 2015 • Peter Mueller

Paul often found himself among religious and secular people alike in conversation about Jesus and the message of the good news of the kingdom of God. Over and again he reasons, debates, proves and persuades people of the truth and value of the Gospel. God calls us to train ourselves with the knowledge to be able to do the same.

Stories of Engagement

October 18, 2015 • Peter Mueller

One of Jesus’ greatest relational strengths was His ability to see what was important to people and then build bridges between that and the good news of His kingdom. We need to become people who develop similar skills at discerning what disinterested people care about and helping them see that Jesus offers something even better.

Stories of Engagement

October 11, 2015 • Peter Mueller

Like teeth in the gears of a clock engaging the teeth on other gears, so we are called by God to ENGAGE the disinterested to walk in the Hope of Jesus. Today’s message begins a new series of reflections looking at people in the Bible who did just that. We begin today with a look at the master of engaging, Jesus as he talks with the Jewish teacher Nicodemus about being “born again”.

Stories of Engagement

November 8, 2015 • Peter Mueller

The people in Ephesus were involved in all kinds of pagan and occult religious activity - when they came to faith in Jesus, they publicly parted ways with all of that and burned items related to their former life. Each of us has behaviors and attitudes in our life that need to be burned as well, especially through making it known in words and deeds that we are repentant for our former ways and desire to live a new life.