

Week 4

May 2, 2021 • Pastor Scott Kramer

Pastor Scott shares four Kingdom truths about serving and what Jesus had to say about it in week 4 of the Red Letter Challenge.


May 23, 2021 • Pastor Scott Kramer

On Pentecost Sunday, Pastor Scott talks about the power of the Holy Spirit, what it means in our lives, and what we need to do to receive it.


May 16, 2021 • Pastor Scott Kramer

The Great Commission is God's call on all of our lives - to go and make disciples! Pastor Scott shares more about why we are called to go and how we can do that in Week 6 of The Red Letter Challenge.


May 9, 2021 • Pastor Scott Kramer

In Week 5 of the Red Letter Challenge, Pastor Scott shares what Jesus tells us about giving. Following a generous God should lead to a generous life.