
Palm Sunday, Matthew 7:12-14

The Golden Rule

March 24, 2024 • Cody Wilbanks • Matthew 7:12–14


1: Did you learn the “Golden Rule” growing up?

2: What contributes to us being so self-obsessed?

3: Why is the active nature of the Golden Rule so important?

4: What are practical ways you can put this into practice this week?

 5: In what ways is life in the “narrow gate” so difficult for you?

6: How can the church community help as we sense the weight of being in the minority in this age?

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Matthew 9:1-8

May 26, 2024 • Cody Wilbanks • Matthew 9:1–8

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Matthew 8:28-34

May 19, 2024 • Kevin Maloney • Matthew 8:28–34

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Matthew 8:23-27

May 12, 2024 • Cody Wilbanks • Matthew 8:23–27

SERMON DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 1. What storm(s) are you facing right now? 2. What would it look like to be overcome by a greater fear of God than the fears of our storms? 3. How does God’s sovereignty, wisdom, and goodness encourage you in the midst of trials? 4. Looking back on previous trials in your life, can you now identify any ways that God used them for your good and his glory? 5. How can the gospel, with its future promises, calm our hearts in the midst of our current storms?