
Romans 6-8

Overwhelming Conquerers in Christ

May 4, 2014 • Pastor Ron Finch

I. Two Questions to Introduce: I believe that verse 37 is the key verse in these last eight verses of Romans 8: “But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us!” • What are “all these things”? • Who is the One who loved us?

Understanding Our Calling (Part 2)

April 27, 2014 • Pastor Ron Finch

I. Let’s Review: In our last message in Romans 8 we began “unpacking” the phrase “called according to His purpose” by examining the five foundational words in verses 29 & 30. We noticed four important things: a. The “for” at the beginning of verse 29 introduces an explanation. b. Even though our CALL is Paul’s focus, he wants us to know that there are two things that happen BEFORE the call and two things that happen AFTER the call. c. Before the CALL God “foreknew” and He “predestined”. d. All of the actions described in these five words are by God’s initiative, NOT OURS!

Understanding Our Calling! (Part 1)

April 13, 2014 • Pastor Ron Finch

I. Setting the Stage: Verse 29 begins an explanation. The three letter word, “for” (Greek at the beginning of verse 29 is an explanatory particle. In verses 29-30 he develops more fully the phrase, “called according to His purpose.” He answers the “how” and “why” of our call.

Benefits of the Indwelling Holy Spirit (Part 3)

April 6, 2014 • Pastor Ron Finch

This morning we return to Romans 8 to focus on the last Benefit of the Indwelling Holy Spirit from verses 26-28. But first let review what we have said in the previous two messages.

Benefits of the Indwelling Holy Spirit (Part 2)

March 30, 2014 • Pastor Ron Finch

Last Sunday morning the clock on the wall shouted out, “You’re done!” But, I was only halfway through what God had laid upon my heart to share, so let me finish it this morning. We have been talking about the “Benefits of the Indwelling Holy Spirit” and I shared two things last Sunday: 1). We have a new family relationship! (vs. 14-17a), and 2). We have an incredible inheritance! (vs. 7b). But there is more: We have a hope, and we have a new prayer helper. Come with me to unpack these truths.

Benefits of the Indwelling Holy Spirit (Part 1)

March 23, 2014 • Pastor Ron Finch

This morning we return to Romans 8 and we turn our attentionto some specific ""benefits"" of the indwelling of the HIoly Spirit. In Romans 8, Paul makes it clear that a believer has a totally new operating - the Holy Spirit. We are no longer "flesh" but "Spirit" becuase the Holy Spirit indwells us (Romans 8:9-11). Starting in verse 14 Paul begins to unpack four exciting "benefits"of the indwelling Holy Spirit. Come with me on this discovery this morning.

More thoughts on "Walking by the Spirit"

March 9, 2014 • Pastor Ron Finch

In our studies in Romans 8 we have seen that God has given us a completely NEW OPERATING SYSTEM — the Holy Spirit! We learned that the Holy Spirit has been given to us so we can: a. Fulfill “the requirement of the Law”! (8:4) b. Enjoy life and peace! (8:6, 11, 13)) c. Walk pleasing to God! (8:8) d. Give evidence that we belong to Him! (8:9) e. Put to death the “deeds of the body”! (8:13) All of this is true for those who “walk according to the Spirit” (vs. 4) and are “being led by the Spirit” (vs. 14). So, this morning I want to take a few minutes to develop more fully the thought of Walking by the Spirit! It is imperative that we understand what it means and how we are to do it.

A New Operating System!

March 2, 2014 • Pastor Ron Finch

With the advent of computers we have had new words added to our language. Words like DOS, OSX, WINDOWS, JAVA which refer to the different kinds of operating systems of computers. As computers change the operating system used to operate them also change. The same is true in our salvation! God replaces our “operating system”! In our salvation we are given a new, radically new, operating system! We are a NEW CREATION! The old operating system, FLESH, is gone; a new One, SPIRIT, is given! Therefore, we are empowered (able) to “fulfill the requirement of the Law”!

Radically Freed! Newly Enabled!

February 16, 2014 • Pastor Ron Finch

When we left Paul last week he had been brought under such conviction by God through the Law showing him the depravity of his human heart, that he cried out in desperation, “Wretched man that I am! Who will set me free from the body of this death?” He realized how sinful he was and that he was in bondage to sin and cried out for deliverance! Who could set him free? The Who is found in verse 25, “God (the Father) through Jesus Christ our Lord!” The Law condemned him, but Christ freed him! That wonderful truth caused him to declare “There is therefore now NO CONDEMNATION to those who are in Christ Jesus!” Radically freed, but, also Newly Enabled! Hallelujah!

The VALUE of the Law!

February 9, 2014 • Pastor Ron Finch

Whenever a person teaches things about God and His dealings with us there is always a chance of being misunderstood. Such was the case with Paul regarding what he has taught the believers in Rome about the Law. To declare, as Paul did, that “we have been released from the Law” (Rom. 7:6) and “we are not under law but under grace” (Rom. 6:14) could give rise to questions like, Are you saying, Paul, that the Law has no value?” Maybe you are asking that question, too! If so, let’s examine what Paul says in our text to see that the Law has GREAT value to-day. (see also 1 Timothy 1:8-11)

Released from the Law! How? Why?

February 2, 2014 • Pastor Ron Finch

In our last study in Romans 6, we learned that “you are NOT under law!” (6:14,15). For a Believer (Christian) that is a wonderful, freeing, life-changing truth, BUT how did it happen? That is the first question we must deal with this morning. But there is a second question: “Why was it important that we be released from the Law?” We will answer that question this morning, too.

Now, What About the Law?

January 26, 2014 • Pastor Ron Finch

As we come to Romans 6:15, Paul asks another question: “Shall we sin because we are not under law but under grace?” This question is asked in anticipation to comments or criticism that could arise from what he said in verse 14: “... for you are not under law, but under grace!” Knowing how people reason, Paul wanted to put an end to any thought that “because we are not under law we are free to live any way we want, even sin!” In fact he says, “May it never be!” Why? Let’s hear how Paul answered that question.

Alive to God! Therefore...

January 19, 2014 • Pastor Ron Finch

We are not to be “hearer’s” of the Word only, but we must be “doer’s” of the Word. Application is the key to the effective working of God’s Word in our lives. Jesus made this clear in His illustration of the two men who built their houses on the sand and a rock (Matt. 7:24-27). The man who heard the Word and ACTED upon it was the man’s life was strong and stable. So, it is with the truth that we have been learning in Romans 6. In our previous studies we have answered the question, “Are we to continue in sin that grace may abound?” This morning we look at the responsibility: THEREFORE ....!

Our Death! Our Life!

January 12, 2014 • Pastor Ron Finch

Last week we answered the question, “Can we continue in sin that grace may abound?” Answer: No, absolutely not! Why? Because “how shall we who died to sin still live in it?” If you recall, we pointed out that we died to the reign of sin over us (6:6,14,17-18,20,22). But that raises another very valid question, “How did we die to the reign of sin over us?” It is to that question we turn our attention this morning.

More Sin, More Grace?

January 5, 2014 • Pastor Ron Finch

“Grace Greater Than Our Sin” is the title of an old hymn that I sang as a young boy, but never came to understand the depth of the words until I was saved at the age of twenty-two. “Marvelous grace of our loving Lord, Grace that exceeds our sin and our guilt” are the opening words of that song, and it ends with the words, “Grace that is greater than all our sins!” What an incredible statement! The apos-tle Paul put it this way, “... where sin increased, grace abounded all the more!” (Rom. 5:20) But as Martyn Lloyd-Jones put it, “The preaching of the gospel of salvation by grace alone always leads to the possibility” of misunderstanding! It did in the Believers in Rome, and it still does today. So, this morning I want to talk about that “misunderstanding”.