
The Kind of Pastor You Should Desire! (Part 1)

September 22, 2013 • Pastor Ron Finch

We now enter into the most personal part of Paul’s letter to Timothy. He loves Timothy so much that he wants to make sure that he knows how he can be an excellent Pastor. It’s amazing these days to see how people evaluate a Pastor’s ministry as to what makes him a good Pastor. The
criteria of a good Pastor in the eyes of many evangelical Americans are: the size of the church he pastors, number of books he’s written, educational background, TV or radio exposure, popularity, charisma, etc.. But, honestly, these are not a biblical criteria of an excellent Pastor! The Puritan writer, John Owen wrote, “A minister may fill his pews, his communion roll, the mouths of the public, but what that minister is on his knees before God Almighty, that he is and no more!” Great words, and true!! In the text before us we find the BIBLICAL criteria for a good Pastor.

More from 1 Timothy