
Unpacking Daniel’s 70th Week (Part 1 — The First 3 1/2 Years)


February 1, 2015 • Pastor Ron Finch

Biblical prophecy unfolds around the nation of Israel and the Arab nations. Even though Israel is the KEY
player, her surrounding neighbors such as Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Libya to name
a few are also players in the prophetic picture. This will become very clear in future studies as we unpack
Daniel’s 70th week. Daniel 9:24-27 is vital in understanding God’s prophetic picture. It gives us the broad
picture of the unfolding drama of biblical prophecy.

Session 11

April 12, 2015 • Ron Finch

Session 10

March 29, 2015 • Ron Finch

Session 9

March 22, 2015 • Ron Finch