
Keeping Up Appearances

Luke 20:45-21:4

November 15, 2015 • Pastor Neal Hackbarth • Luke 20:45—21:4

In this passage from the book of Luke, Jesus tells his disciples of the danger of hypocrisy and the wonder of true sacrifice. The scribes were using the pretense of religion to abuse those God had placed in their care. They sought recognition, honor and respect; their self-idolatrous attitudes brought forth ugly displays of abuse of power and position. Jesus shows us that hypocrisy keeps us from seeing who we are, seeing our need and receiving the help we need (the message of redemption from the cross). In stark contrast, Jesus marvels at the widow who offered everything she had. This passage shows us that our heart and worship are the greatest gift of all. God sees behind every gift given and values it based on the heart; He treasures us not for what we have but for who we are. So some questions to ask ourselves: Are we more interested in keeping up on appearances than we are in a heart relationship with God? Are we living for God from the inside out?

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