
When Lightning Strikes - Part 4: Hope At The End Of Your Rope

Job 19 - 20

November 22, 2015 • Senior Pastor Armin Sommer • Job 19, Job 20

In todays's text, we discover that Job’s humanity trumps his faith. We’ve seen this in others… even ourselves. But then God breaks through Job’s depression, and our hero gains some perspective in an amazing passage. Find out where to go next when you feel like you're at the end of your rope!

When Lightning Strikes - Part 7: God Speaks

December 13, 2015 • Senior Pastor Armin Sommer • Job 38

Some sounds are hard to hear. My Mom grew up on a farm in southwestern Minnesota in the middle of nowhere. She told me that on a warm summer evening that she could lay down in a cornfield and hear the corn growing. You had to listen carefully, but it was there. Hearing the voice of God can be like listening to corn grow. To hear it requires our silence. At other times, it’s like thunder. That’s what Job now hears.

When Lightning Strikes - Part 6: When God is Silent

December 6, 2015 • Senior Pastor Armin Sommer • Job 27

Why is God silent when we need him the most? Sometimes the pain in our life feels like a riddle without a punchline. It leaves us “stuck.” But in the silence, there is an important lesson we need to learn. Find out what it is in this message.

When Lightning Strikes - Part 5: Finding Gold After The Storm

November 29, 2015 • Pastor Cameron Baker • Job 23

In his depression and with his pursuit of God, Job shows us four misconceptions about God, misconceptions that in turn, reveals four aspects of God that will bring us through any storm of life.