
Pt. 1 - The Awesome Nature Of Our Adoption

Galatians 4:1-7

March 1, 2015 • Senior Pastor Armin Sommer • Galatians 4:1–7

You might have referred to yourself at some point in your faith as a “child of God”, but have you ever stopped to ponder how you got that title? An even more important question is, what are the real-life-today implications of being “Sons & Daughters of the Almighty”? Is it just an honorary title, sorta like being the Queen of England? or the Prince of Wales? Or does being a child of God carry with it profound authority, power, and privileges that you’re yet to tap into? Find out in this series:

Pt.3 - The Glory of our Inheritance

March 15, 2015 • Senior Pastor Armin Sommer • Galatians 4:1–7

The glory of our inheritance is the right to call God "Daddy". That idea reveals several remarkable facets we will explore in today's message.

Pt.2 - The Riches of our Redemption

March 8, 2015 • Senior Pastor Armin Sommer • Galatians 4:4–5

The recipients of this letter: relatively new believers who, mostly from a pagan background. They have been distracted by false teachers who are trying to convince them of their need to follow the Law of Moses, and essentially become “Jewish Christians”. Last week we looked into the awesome nature of our adoption and status as heirs of God (and according to Rom 8:17), co-heirs with Christ. All that is His will some day also be ours. Our focus today is Galatians 4:4–5