
The Skeptic - Part 4: The Scienfitic Naturalist

Selected Scriptures

January 31, 2016 • Senior Pastor Armin Sommer

Remember the introductory question that can be useful when interacting with any worldview that is skeptical of the Christian message. You may hear something like, “Science disproves creation” or “Science proves there is no God” or “Science proves evolution.” Learn to ask, “That’s interesting. Why do you believe that?” Then listen carefully.

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The Skeptic - Part 5: Anti-biblical

February 7, 2016 • Senior Pastor Armin Sommer

Curious about how the New Testament came to us? One letter was copied laboriously, often dozens of times by the same copyist for distribution, with each being checked against the original. Before those copies fell apart or lost, they also would be hand-copied at the place where they’d been sent. Consequently, it is not that hard to construct the original with great accuracy. Find out more.

The Skeptic - Part 3: The Moral Relativist

January 17, 2016 • Senior Pastor Armin Sommer

Moral Relativism: This worldview is challenging, primarily because moral relativism has shaped the way many of us think. A survey by the Barna Organization revealed 71% of Christians develop their own slate of religious beliefs. Many people affirm that something that is “true for you” may not be “true for them”. Especially important, since Jesus made exclusive claims regarding truth.

The Skeptic - Part 2: The New Spirituality

January 10, 2016 • Senior Pastor Armin Sommer

The new spirituality in a sense boils all religion down to a simple common denominator. Yes, the new spirituality is a religion. It may not be well-organized or institutionalized, but it is a religion, albeit a highly customized religion based on personal preference. The bottom line is a Core Conviction: "Just be a good person… You determine how to get to heaven." In this message, that ideology will be weighed against Biblical truth.