
The Name of God: A Father

September 24, 2017 • Arnie McCall

The Love in Action team returning for Texas shares some testimonies and then Pastor Arnie begin to share about a good and perfect Father who's desire is to pour out His love on His children. We believe this message will encourage your heart to know that God is not distant but is a present and loving Father.

The Name of God: Salvation

October 1, 2017 • Arnie McCall

In this message Pastor Arnie shares about the day of atonement from Leviticus 16 and why it is so important to understand what Jesus fully paid for.

The Name of God: YHWH

September 17, 2017 • Arnie McCall

In this message Pastor Arnie shares with us the importance of knowing God by His name and not just by His function. He desire is for us to know Him as a Father and to enter into His family.