
The Prayer of Faith

February 26, 2017 - James 5: 13-20

February 26, 2017 • Rev. Whitney Alexander

More from James

What Tomorrow May Bring

February 19, 2017 • Rev. Dr. Gerrit Dawson

Who knows what tomorrow may bring? Not a job, not a home, not a person, not a breath is guaranteed. Who knows what tomorrow may bring? Not I. I know only that I will need him every hour, more than ever. That is the dying of pride, and, what do you know, it feels wonderful! To need him without hesitancy, without pride, is joy sweet and deep. The things that can be shaken have been shaken. But what cannot be shaken remains. Oh draw near to God today. Bring him your wounds. Bring him your losses. Bring him your need. Bring him your feelings of having a wave knock your feet out from under you. Bring him the sense of being lost on the trail. Bring him all of it. Call for him to put you on the rock that is higher and stronger than you are. Draw near to God that he might draw near to you. James 4: 7-8, 13-`7

Wisdom from Above

February 12, 2017 • Rev. Dr. Gerrit Dawson

Hysterical. Fearful. Anxious. Does the current atmosphere in our country leave you feeling any of these things? James 3 and 4 tell us that the peace, confidence and faith that allows us to remain steady comes from above (James 3 and 4). And remember, "The LORD is my light and my salvation. Whom shall I fear?" (Psalm 27)

Taming the Tongue

February 5, 2017 • Rev. Dr. Gerrit Dawson

Why did I say that? No human being can tame the tongue, says James (1: 8). Don’t we know the truth of that? James tells us nobody can do it perfectly. And simply biting our tongues will not really change us in the heart. We need to understand more deeply how speech relates to our God. We human beings are made in the image of God and speech is unique to us among earth’s created order. So we can better understand our God when we see why our speech connects so deeply to him.