
The Biggest Little Thing

Part Four: It's The Little Things

August 6, 2017 • Bradley Williams

Before any action is taken and before any word is said - something takes place that has the single greatest potential to determine the direction of our lives. This week Bradley explores the 'biggest' little thing we do every day that can have the largest impact on our lives and the lives around us.

The Nap

July 30, 2017 • Scott Sutherland

We all have storms in our lives. God is always there in the storm. If we have faith in God - even the smallest little bit of faith - when we act upon that, huge things happen. God applauds and honors faith. In this teaching, you can see the power of Jesus transforming an out of control storm and how that applies to your life.

The Sack Lunch

July 23, 2017 • Bradley Williams

Sometimes it's the little things in life that can matter most. This week we unpack one of the most famous miracles of Jesus recorded in all four gospel accounts and answer the question, "Why do we struggle to see God at work in the little things?"

The Little Ones

July 16, 2017 • Scott Sutherland

God’s attention to the details of our lives in tremendous. He knows the numbers of hair on our heads. He loves us as a loving Father. In this message, Scott looks at one of “the little thing” that God loves and cares for and how this can change our lives.