
When Jesus Asks // A Year With Jesus

Tough questions Jesus asks His followers

Why Call Me Lord?

January 11, 2015 • Pastor Rod Loy

Just like a tree, the product of your life reveals what's in your heart. You can't claim to be good and do evil. Your heart reveals itself in your words and actions.

Price Tag

January 18, 2015 • Pastor Rod Loy

Following Christ is not a free ticket to everything we've always wanted. Jesus tells us that in order to follow him we must be willing to pay the price he requires of us. What is the price tag for following Jesus?

What Are the Odds?

January 25, 2015 • Pastor Rod Loy

Are you grateful? It's not enough for us just to be obedient to God. He also commands us to be grateful. What does a grateful life look like?

Share Your Lunch

February 1, 2015 • Pastor Rod Loy

Often, we think we don't have any talents to use for God, but the Bible says that He can use our particular gifts, even when they seem small to us.

Peace Speaker

February 8, 2015 • Pastor Rod Loy

Are you in a storm? We're not talking about weather, but a life storm - when it feels like your life is crashing all around you. It may seem impossible, unending, and devastating. Jesus, on the other hand, isn't frightened in the least by your storm.

Hope for Pharisees

February 15, 2015 • Pastor Rod Loy

Like the Pharisees of the Bible, we often make up rules that have little to do with Scripture. Too often, love seems to give way to judging. Grace has been replaced by score keeping. What did Jesus have to say about this? How should we respond?

Like A Good Neighbor

February 22, 2015 • Pastor Parker Loy

Jesus said we should love our neighbor as ourself. So the question is: who is my neighbor? Pastor Parker Loy takes a look at one of the most famous stories in the Bible to see how Jesus answered this question.