
Truth Telling

October 12, 2014 • Pastor Rod Loy

It's often hard to tell someone the truth. Really, we should be grateful that someone loves us enough to tell us the truth. But that's not always the way it is in life, is it? The old saying, "the truth hurts," is often true.

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Please God or Please Men?

September 28, 2014 • Pastor Rod Loy

In life, in business, in society, even in the church world, there's a subtle, and sometimes not so subtle pull toward self-promotion. But there's a principle: you can't exalt Jesus while promoting yourself.

Running On Empty

October 5, 2014 • Pastor Rod Loy

Are you trying to live your life without God? Are you wondering why life isn't going like it seems it should? Just like a car, we can't run on empty...