
Why Did They Kill Jesus?

March 10, 2024 • John Hill

Why did they kill Jesus? What about him was so bad that they chose to put him to death 2000 years ago? Check out this message from Pastor John Hill for not only an explanation, but more importantly, an opportunity to grow as followers of Jesus!

Discussion Questions:

Talk about a time you believed the lie that God is unloving, not fun, and illogical? What influenced you to think and believe those things? 

Talk about a time you realized that sin really does hurt people. 

In what ways do you see secular society advocate for lives that lead to misery? How have you experienced blessing from following God’s plan for your life? 

Where in your life are you killing the work of God? What can you do to change it?

Is Jesus King or Servant?

March 24, 2024 • John Hill

Jesus came to save us, but for his disciples it was unclear if Jesus was meant to save as a king who rules or as a servant who gives up his life. Today, the Church struggles with this same question and it effects how we are able to love God and others. Grow in your love for God and people this week and check out this message! Discussion Questions: Talk about a time that you disagreed with the way God did something in your life or felt impatient with God.   In your life, do you tend to think of God as a suffering servant or a powerful king? How does knowing that Jesus is both change your perspective on God?  How does your view of God impact your ability to love others AND call them to better?  If there was a spectrum on your view of God, where would you fall? Is he King, Servant, or both?  How can you mend your view of God to be both King and Servant? 

How to Trust God with Your Dreams

March 17, 2024 • John Hill

How can you trust God with your dreams and does He really have something better in store for you? It can feel quite intimidating to trust that God will do what He says, but in this message, Pastor John Hill looks at the early years of Jesus’s ministry and reveals how we can all learn to trust God! Discussion Questions: Talk about a time that you said “Yes” to Jesus and it changed your life. What might’ve happened if you had said no? Talk about a time you said no to Jesus, but you know He was calling you to a yes. In what ways are you tempted to follow Jesus for the “stuff” you can get from Him? How is this different than a wholehearted commitment to follow Him? What dreams in your life do you need to trust Jesus with? How are these dreams holding you back from being a fisher of men? Who will you invite to be a part of Easter this year?