

February 7, 2016 • Dr. Gary Brandenburg

Last Wednesday was National Signing Day. If you are not a college football fan that means nothing to you. But if you are a college football fan you know that National Signing Day is the day when talented high school football players choose the colleges they plan to attend. The anticipation builds leading up to signing day and over the years the announcements have become more and more dramatic. This year one guy jumped out of an airplane (with a parachute) and when he landed he opened up his jump suit to reveal the jersey of his chosen team. Michigan held a star-studded event that included Derek Jeter, Tom Brady, Ric Flair that students waited in line 2 hours to attend. The sense of anticipation leading up to Signing Day is followed by a sense of relief since many of these athletes have changed their commitments in the months leading up to the big day. But once they sign on the dotted line, they are committed. You don't get to leave your options open. One of the best things you can do to keep a commitment is to go public with it. No one says, "Well coach, let's take this thing one game at a time and if I like it, I'll stay."

More from Life Together


March 27, 2016 • Dr. Gary Brandenburg

Isn't this a great day? It's good to be alive. That's what Easter is about - life. Life is good. Even when life is bad, it's better than the alternative. Everyone celebrates new life this time of year, even the non-religious. Last Sunday was the first day of spring, the first season of the new year when the days get longer, the birds sing louder and new life begins to appear. We all seek life. We cherish it and we hold onto it as long as we possibly can. That's why one of the worst things we can ever hear is, "You have a life-threatening illness with no possible cure and you don't have very long to live." That's what my friend, Barry Anino, heard last week.

The Offering

March 20, 2016 • Dr. Gary Brandenburg

How many of you read through the whole NT? Congratulations. Why did you do it? Guilt? Peer pressure? My guess is that you read for 8 straight weeks because you believed that reading the Bible would benefit you in some way.

The Grace of Giving

March 13, 2016 • Dr. Gary Brandenburg

This has been an amazing week for me. First, I was pre-selected to receive my bank's "very best credit card." Then I got a phone call telling me I had won 3.5 million dollars and a new Mercedes Benz. It was a good thing I had access to all that money so I could help a member of our http://church...ever been scammed like that?