
Part 4: Lessons Learned

Proverbs 13:20

March 7, 2016 • Barrett Johnson

Listen in on the lightning round of our talk with four guys about their marriages. Their “lessons learned” are the perfect discussion starters for you and your spouse.

Part 3: The Need for Community

February 29, 2016 • Barrett & Jenifer Johnson

Men tend to isolate themselves from others, fearing that they might reveal their weaknesses. What they really need is safe relationships where they can work through the struggles common to each of us.

Part 2: Spiritual Leadership in the Home

February 22, 2016 • Barrett & Jenifer Johnson

Most men are pretty good at leading in the workplace. But many struggle with leading well at home. Listen in as four guys talk about the challenges…and offer some solutions.

Part 1: Communication

February 15, 2016 • Barrett Johnson

One of the most common challenges in marriage is communication. A panel of four men share some great insights on what husbands can do to listen better and connect more effectively with our wives.