
In the Beginning


Are you a blessing?

November 21, 2021 • Brian Watts • Genesis 12:1–9

Are you a blessing to others? Prior to Genesis 12, the world has been spiraling downward in rebellion against God. Everything seems rather hopeless but in chapter 12 we see that God has a plan and His plan is a people through whom He will bless the world. If you are a follower of Christ, God's blessings are not meant to terminate on you. You are blessed by God to be a blessing to the world.

What are you building?

November 14, 2021 • Brian Watts • Genesis 10:1—11:9

What are you building with your life? All of us are part of a building project. What are you building? Genesis 11 is about a building project. It’s the famous story of the Tower of Babel. Its an important part of the biblical story, and it also should lead us to examine our lives and ask ourselves: what building project am I a part of?


November 7, 2021 • Brian Watts • Genesis 9

Genesis 9 is a really important chapter for understanding the biblical story and the world we live in today. In this chapter, we see one of the most important words in the Bible, covenant. God makes a covenant to preserve the human race and establishes principles to ensure humanity’s survival and flourishing until He restores the world.

Reformation Sunday

October 31, 2021 • Brian Watts • Genesis 6:11—9:1

There is probably not a story in the Old Testament that better pictures for us the nature of the Gospel, the Good News about Jesus, than the flood. So it is quite fitting that we study this text on Reformation Sunday when we celebrate the church’s return to the truths of the Gospel. In the flood story, we see the depth of human sinfulness, the righteousness of God’s judgment, God’s provision of salvation, and our response of faith.

Who's the main character?

October 17, 2021 • Brian Watts • Genesis 4

If your life was cast as a movie, who would be the main character? In Genesis 4 there is a contrast between two lines or generations of people. The one line has great accomplishments. They build cities and contribute a lot to the arts, sciences, technology and advancement. But they turn away from God and live for themselves. The 2nd line of people is known for one thing: they worship the Lord. They live with God at the center. Two http://lines...one is known for the worship of God and the other for worship of self.

Upside Down

October 10, 2021 • Brian Watts • Genesis 3

Things are not the way they are supposed to be. We often think that about our lives, the world around us and even ourselves. The world is disordered. How did it get this way? What's the problem that plagues humanity and our world? And is there a solution? In this message, we look at Genesis 3. This is the moment our world turned upside down. But there is a glimmer of hope. God will provide a solution.

Longing for Paradise

October 3, 2021 • Brian Watts • Genesis 2:4–25

We all long for paradise. We long for that place where everything is right. We long for it in moments of joy that we wish could go on forever and we long for it in moments of pain when we wish for an end to sad things. In Genesis 2, we hear about a place called Eden, which means delight. God created a beautiful world with a good design. In this message, we examine this good design and we look forward to the restoration of all things when the new heavens and new earth will be even better than Eden.

Designed Special

September 26, 2021 • Brian Watts • Genesis 1:26–28

Who are we and why are we here? We live in a culture wrestling with this issue and confused about identity. We need to rediscover humanity and the starting point is the origin of humanity in Genesis 1. In this message, we see the primary marker of humanity. Humanity was designed special in the image of God. What does that mean?

Start at the Beginning

September 19, 2021 • Brian Watts • Genesis 1:1—2:3

Beginnings are really important. There is a famous song in the Sound of Music that says, "Let's start at the very beginning, a very good place to start." For us to know how to live, we need to start at the beginning. And what we discover is that when everything and everyone submits to the word of the King, its really good.