
The Art of Family


November 29, 2015 • Adrian Crawford

As we conclude our series on building the masterpiece of family Pastor Adrian shares on the most important aspect of building a family, namely, maintaining the first love we have when we initially encounter http://god.the driving force behind any believer is maintaining the love that compels us to seek wholeheartedly after God.


November 22, 2015 • Billy Humphrey

In a world that practices little to no healthy communication, it is important to be intentional about healthy communication. As we continue in our series Art of Family, Billy speaks about how communication impacts our lives.


November 15, 2015 • Adrian Crawford

One of the hardest characteristics to attain that fuels a great family is everyone accepting their roles. God created a divine outline of how authority structure should work and the roles that each member of the family should play. As with any great team, when people are walking in their roles to the fullest it benefits everyone involved. Pastor Adrian outlines how these roles were established by God and how we can play our part.


November 8, 2015 • Chip Buhler

Pastor Chip Buhler continues our series focusing on the making of a masterpiece of a family. The principles that fuel a masterful family also apply to spiritual family, businesses and organizations of all kinds. Pastor Chip shares on the importance of sacrificing for your family.

Mission and Purpose

November 1, 2015 • Adrian Crawford

Pastor Adrian begins a new series focusing on the making of a masterpiece of a family. The principles that fuel a masterful family also apply to spiritual family, businesses and organizations of all kinds. Pastor Adrian begins with the principle of being all in and committing to do what it takes to accomplish the mission of the family.