
Ecclesiastes #15

Don’t Be A Fool!

February 18, 2024 • Jason Carson • Ecclesiastes 10


Read Ecclesiastes 10:1-20. Solomon lists off many proverbs in this chapter and moves around all over the place between topics, observations, and experience. Have each group member share one verse or idea in chapter 10 that sticks out to them and why.

Verse one talks about the idea of a fool being compared to a bad stench. What are some ways that Christians can give off a bad aroma to this world? (In other words, how can we be off putting to the people around us?)

One mark of a fool is that they don’t see clearly in regards to how God wants us to see things in this world. Spiritually, how does our vision get clouded with the world’s ways?

In what ways can we be foolish with our family? At work? With neighbors? At church?

What does it mean to be…

Foolishly indulgent?

Foolishly lazy?

Foolishly indifferent?

Foolishly blunt?


Read Ephesians 5:15-17. How can we pursue wisdom instead of foolishness?