
Encounters With Jesus #3

The Hopeful

April 7, 2024 • Jason Carson • John 11:1–44


Read John 11:1-44. What stands out in this passage? What is God’s heart wanting to communicate to us through this Scripture?

Why is there pain and suffering in this world? How can God use these things when we are going through hard times?

Share a painful time in your life that you can look back on now, and see how God used that moment to draw you closer to Him.

In the story of Lazarus, we learn that our faith is in the promise, not the miracle. What are some of the promises (from God’s Word) that we can lean into when we’re going through a confusing or painful time in life?


What did Jesus display or show when He raised Lazarus from the dead?


In the final sequence of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead (John 11:38-44), we see a healthy pattern to follow in the midst of trials and/ or suffering: Believe, Remain, Watch, and Be free. Share with the group what these 4 phrases mean to you, and how you can apply them during tough times.

Close by each person sharing with your group one hard or painful thing they need prayer for, and that they would look to Jesus for hope.