
Encounters With Jesus #7

The Skeptic

May 5, 2024 • Jason Carson • Luke 19:1–10


Read John 20:24-29. What stands out in this passage? What is God’s heart wanting to communicate to us through this Scripture?

What are the things in your life or your past that cause you to be negative or pessimistic? Have you always been this way? Is it getting better or worse recently?

When are you most skeptical? And specifically, what has been the toughest parts of your faith journey that stirs the skeptic in you?

In what ways have you seen Jesus overcome your doubts?

Of these 5 encouragements when we’re doubting, which is the most difficult for you, and which one would you like to focus on this week?

Seek Jesus

Stay faithful

Keep trusting

Keep following

Keep praying


After Thomas’ encounter with Jesus, he was significantly changed, having a strong vibrant faith. Moving on from this discussion and study, how would you like this encounter with Jesus to change you?