
Dangerous and Desirable

Cleaning House

December 10, 2023 • Pastor Thomas-Steele Carr • John 2:13–16, Mark 11:11, Mark 11:15–17, Hebrews 10:10, Psalm 16:11

The sermon "Cleaning House" by Pastor Thomas-Steele delves into an exposé on Jesus’ multifaceted character, focusing on the significance of His cleansing of the temple as recorded in John 2:13-22. Pastor Thomas-Steele expounds on the intentionality behind Jesus' clearing of the temple, a reflection of both obedience to God and consideration for His people. He blasted the merchants and money changers, not so much for their unethical conduct, but for their desecration of the temple’s intended use: a place of worship and prayer. The sermon uses King Josiah's temple cleansing as an Old Testament parallel, thereby driving home the importance of a purified environment for genuine worship. Both Josiah and Jesus exemplify fierce opposition against hypocrisy and anything that deters from the true veneration of God. The sermon, while shining light on Christ’s zealous love for pure worship, implores the faithful to apply the same fervent respect for holiness in their own lives.

Come and Get Me

December 3, 2023 • Pastor Thomas-Steele Carr • Matthew 16:13–18, Daniel 7:13–14, Colossians 1:13–14, John 3:16

In his sermon "Come and Get Me," Pastor Thomas-Steele presents Jesus' dichotomous nature as both gentle and formidable, expanding the traditional portrayal of him only as beneficent and amiable. Through portraying Jesus as a formidable personality ready to fight for justice, he challenges his audience to see Jesus in a fresh light. Drawing parallels from the Book of Judges, the sermon references Gideon's transformation from a hidden figure into a leader chosen by God to lead the Israelites to victory, signifying the potential within us all. Shifting to the New Testament, the sermon highlights Peter's affirmation of Jesus as the Messiah, Son of the living God, during a conversation at Caesarea Philippi, a region noted for pagan worship. This affirmation, in that notable spiritual darkness, is symbolically viewed as Jesus declaring war on dark forces and signaling his imminent victory. The story of the Transfiguration, wherein Jesus' divine glory is revealed, resonates with the idea of his supremacy over the spiritual http://realm.the sermon's conclusion underscores Jesus' ultimate sacrifice for the redemption and forgiveness of humanity as an ultimate sign of his love. Pastor Thomas-Steele invites the congregation to view Jesus as he is and respond with worship and obedience. He underscores that discipleship involves standing against evil and promoting the kingdom of God in the world. Thus, through this sermon, Pastor Thomas-Steele showcases a comprehensive depiction of Jesus- both gentle and fierce, eliciting a call for proactive engagement against evil from his audience.

Let the Children Come

November 26, 2023 • Pastor Thomas-Steele Carr • Mark 10:13–16

The Lion Chaser

November 19, 2023