
The True God Confronts the False Gods of Egypt

Exodus 8:21, 9:6, 10

April 19, 2024

“…if you will not let My people go, indeed I will send swarms of flies on you…all the livestock of Egypt died, but not one of the livestock of the children of Israel died…and it became a boil breaking forth with blisters upon man and beast…”

— Exodus 8:21, 9:6, 10

In the ten plagues, the Lord God did not just judge the Egyptians for their 430 year enslavement of the Hebrews, He also judged their false gods, as we have seen.

The fourth plague involved the flies. The Hebrew word means swarms. Scholars say they probably were not flies, but were were the beetles common to that area, called the scarabaeus from which we get the word scarab, which is a black beetle. I am sure after they had a couple hundred thousand of those in every home in Egypt they were not too thrilled with the god of Scarabaeus.

The fifth plague was a disease of cattle. The god Apis was the sacred bull. You’ve seen many Egyptian figures of a man with the head of a bull that they worshiped.

And sixth, there was the god Typhon. This was when the dust caused the breaking forth of boils and blisters. Typhon was a magical genie that was worshiped in ancient Egypt. Here was a god who was connected with the magicians, who were the priests of the Egyptian religion. We find here that the magicians could not stand before Moses because of the boils, for the boil was upon the magicians and upon all of Egypt. So their power was broken.

God alone is to be worshiped.

Lord of all, today we see people turning to false gods and playing with spiritual forces they know nothing about. Free us from Beelzebub, “The Lord of the flies.” Thank You for calling us out of darkness and into Your marvelous light…


More from April 2024

Dealing With Worry

April 30, 2024

“Who of you by worrying can add one cubit to his height?” — Luke 12:25 The French word for “wooden shoe” is sabot. From this word comes “sabotage,” and it seemed that Dutchmen had a way of sabotaging French plants by casting their wooden shoes into the machinery. Worry is sabotage to our lives. Worry is a great destroyer of the body as well as the mind. Worry is also harmful to the spiritual life. Jesus said that the cares of this world choke out the good seed and keep it from being fruitful. Cares of this world cause some people never to enter the kingdom of God. I remember talking one time to a person that I dearly loved, talking to him about the kingdom of God and about the salvation which Christ offered. And I remember how he cut me off short by telling me that he had so many problems and so many cares and so many worries in the world that he did not have time to think about that. Many people think about worry as a weakness. The Bible tells us that it is a wickedness; that it is because of unbelief. Because, you see, where worry starts, faith ends. You cannot have faith and worry about the same thing at the same time. As water in a glass replaces the air, so worry replaces faith. Worry is practical atheism. But we should cast our cares on the Lord and trust Him. Over and over we see He helps, and most of our worries never materialize. Dear Lord, forgive us for our unbelief. Forgive us for taking on ourselves burdens, which overwhelm us, instead of turning those problems over to You. Thank You that You are more than capable to handle all these problems… BY GOD’S STRENGTH, OUR PROBLEMS ARE HANDED OVER TO THE GREAT PROBLEM-SOLVER.

“When Time Permits”

April 29, 2024

“After several days, when Felix arrived…he sent for Paul and heard him speak concerning faith in Christ…Felix was afraid and answered, ‘For now, leave! When time permits, I will send for you.’” — Acts 24:24-25 How true it is that has been said, “Of all the sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these: it might have been.” We all know that the road to hell is lined with good intentions. But why? Because of procrastination. Procrastination is what keeps good intentions from materializing into good works. If procrastination is harmful in the spiritual exercises of this life, it is most deadly and fatal when it comes to our eternal salvation. We see a spiritual procrastinator in the example of Felix, a Roman leader. Now Felix was a despicable character, far lower than the average Roman governor. He was indeed, the Roman historian Tacitus tells us, “a man of lust and cruelty;” who “exercised the office of a king with the spirit of a slave.” In Acts 24, this man, who did not hesitate to get involved in the most immoral kinds of activities, was now listening to Paul preach. As he talked about these things, Felix began to tremble. Because his sins were crying out against him and his conscience was calling for relief, he should have repented, but he was a procrastinator. So he said, “For now, leave! When time permits, I will send for you” (Acts 24:25). He would take care of it mañana. To our knowledge he never did. How tragic. He provides a great example of what not to do. Heavenly Father, forgive us for our spiritual procrastination. Give us strength for today to share the Gospel with those You have put in our path. Help us to not be like Felix or anyone else who would postpone such important news… BY GOD’S STRENGTH, WE WILL HEED HIS VOICE TODAY.

Boast Not of Tomorrow

April 28, 2024

“Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring forth.” — Proverbs 27:1 Though we usually joke about it, psychologists tell us that procrastination can be a very harmful addiction with disastrous consequences. Many people addicted to procrastinating just can’t seem to stop, no matter what. During the American Revolution, General Washington had conceived his bold plan to cross the Delaware in the midst of winter and to surprise the Hessian army at Trenton on Christmas night 1776, but a British sympathizer saw what he was doing and sent a messenger across the river with a note to Colonel Rahl, the Hessian commander. When the courier arrived at the camp, he found the Colonel in his tent playing cards with his officers. He gave him the letter, and Rahl, without opening it, put it in his pocket, and said, “Later, but first, let’s finish the game.” He finished the game just in time to stand up, surprised at the American attack. It cost Rahl his honor, his command, and his life—all because of procrastination. It can, indeed, have disastrous consequences. In the business realm, procrastination can have disastrous consequences. Many a person, who, though he is outstandingly talented, educated, and equipped, does not progress nearly as well as some of lesser abilities and talents simply because he procrastinates and the others don’t. When it comes to the spiritual world, procrastination is eternally disastrous. Many important things are left undone because of procrastination. Most vital of all is to not postpone accepting Christ. Let us live today for Christ. Tomorrow may never come. Lord, give me strength for today to do that which I should do today. Forgive me for so often putting off today’s task until “tomorrow,” which often never comes. Help me to truly live for You today… BY GOD’S STRENGTH, WE LIVE FOR HIM TODAY.