
The Moral Law Of God

Psalm 119:97

June 18, 2023

“Oh, how I love Your law! It is my meditation all the day.”
—Psalm 119:97

What is your relationship to God’s law? Are you passing acquaintances who wave “hello” from across a great distance but never interact? Or are you in such intimate communion that you hide the Law in your heart, thinking of it constantly?

If you feel a bit distant from God’s law, perhaps understanding its origin and purpose will give you the desire to know it better. In the Old Testament, God gave humankind three types of laws: civil laws, ceremonial laws, and moral laws. The civil laws helped people interact as a country. God laid down the civil laws because He Himself was King of Israel; no one else had authority to create such laws. If someone broke a civil law, that person would receive a punishment such as bodily harm or even death. These laws disappeared in A.D. 70 when Israel was no longer a theocracy.

The ceremonial laws dictated which days to commemorate as a nation—the Passover and the Day of Atonement, for example. These laws also carefully delineated how to celebrate each holy day. The ceremonial laws foreshadowed Christ’s coming; since He has come, we no longer observe them.

The third type, moral laws, reflect the eternal, holy, and unchangeable nature of God. All the moral laws are summed up in the Ten Commandments. God’s moral laws have never passed away and will never pass away. We must obey them always. We need the moral laws because they draw people to Christ. They restrain wicked people. They smash our pride and drive us to our knees. They guide us in the way we should live.

In considering the moral laws, people make two basic errors. Some people believe they can save themselves by keeping theLaws. Others believe just the opposite—that if they are saved, they don’t have to keep the moral laws. But God wants to create a perfect kingdom of righteousness where, in joyful and willing obedience, men and women yield themselves gladly to God’s eternal law because of their love for and gratitude to their Savior and Lord.

Today ask God to show you how to delight in His law. Invite Him to make His law a constant companion for your soul.

“It is impossible for us to break the Law.
We can only break ourselves against the Law.”

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Faithful And True

June 30, 2023

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Henry Drummond

June 29, 2023

…but the greatest of these is love. —1 Corinthians 13:13 How is your love life? Or put differently, is yours a life of love? Today I’d like to focus on a man who exemplified Christian love. Henry Drummond, a nineteenth-century Scottish evangelist and writer, influenced lives wherever he went. He’s perhaps best known for his book entitled The Greatest Thing in the World, an exposition on the Love Chapter of 1 Corinthians. Drummond discovered that the most important thing he could do in life was to learn to love. He set his heart and mind and soul on this goal. In learning to love, he became one of the most influential men of his time. He always kept company with a myriad of people, from well-known citizens to unconventional, vagrant bohemians. Everyone was his type of person. Dwight L. Moody said that most Christians make an occasional sojourn into the thirteenth chapter of 1 Corinthians, but Henry Drummond seemed to live in that chapter all his life, and it poured out from his pores. His love for others radiated from his face. Have you made the joyful discovery that the greatest thing in the world is to give love (not to get it)? When we look back on our lives, we will see that in our moments of selfless giving, our lives took on their truest significance. Compared with all other things, love stands out as the greatest. But we cannot share this love on our own; we must receive it from Him who is love. Ask God to fill you with His love so that you might share it with others. Pray that His love would flow from you in all that you do. QUOTE: “Love is life, and lovelessness is death.” —Frances Paget

The Key To A Happy Home

June 28, 2023

“Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers.” —Ephesians 4:29 Of all the contributing factors that make our homes happy, good communication must be high on the list. As we relate to people, we communicate on many levels—everything from “Hi, how are you?” to divulging facts, expressing emotions, and ultimately sharing our true selves. To make a home run smoothly, we need communication on all levels, but especially on that most intimate level of revealing ourselves to our housemates and families. But that kind of communication can feel threatening. Sharing at the deepest, most intimate level makes us vulnerable, and many people don’t want to risk rejection. But as these people stay on “safer” levels of communication, they never discover the real glory of intimacy. People avoid intimate conversation not only because they fear rejection but also because they have built up resentment against people who have hurt them in the past. As they refuse to forgive and as they continue to keep records of wrongs, these people maintain barriers between themselves and others. While they may feel safer that way, these people miss the joy of reconciliation and better understanding. We must express tenderheartedness and forgiveness toward one another as God, for Christ’s sake, has forgiven us. If we don’t let go of our anger, we will clam up or blow up. “In your anger, do not sin,” and “Let not the sun go down upon your wrath.” These admonitions from Ephesians can help us forgive others and let go of pent-up resentment. We also need to avoid faultfinding and blame. If we negatively evaluate someone, that person will not risk any deep communication, and we’ll experience isolation. Instead of focusing on the negative things, focus on the good in the people you care about. When we start focusing on the positive, the positive will increase, and we will “administer grace” to each other. What are some ways you can foster deeper communication in your home today? Do you need to share yourself on a deeper level, to forgive someone, to refrain from harshly judging others? Take a risk today, and see how those you live with respond as you pursue intimate communication and relationships. QUOTE: “Until I truly loved, I was alone.” —Caroline Norton