
When Your Love Grows Cold

John 15:13

July 29, 2023

“Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.”
— John 15:13

As human beings we go through an enormous variety of emotions. Feelings are part of life’s color; when we don’t feel anything, life can seem flat and drab.

As tough as it is to admit, loving our Lord falls in this category. While His love for us is constant and eternal, some days, because we are human and sinful beings, we don’t naturally feel a sense of love overflowing toward Him.

When we find loving our Lord difficult, how can we renew our love for Him? We do this by remembering His suffering for us. I am amazed at how glibly we repeat those words, “Christ died for my sins,” without considering the incredible truth contained therein. When we remember Christ’s anguish in the Garden of Gethsemane, the agony He suffered at the hands of the high priest and Pontius Pilate, the excruciating death He endured on the cross, then love for our Lord and Savior should flood our hearts. This is why the Lord’s Supper is so important. It reminds us of His sufferings on our behalf. When we fix our minds on that thought—that our Creator died for us—our love for Him will be renewed.

Whenever you feel that your love for the Lord has grown cold, climb the mountain of Calvary and breathe in the fresh air from Heaven. This will renew your soul and increase your spiritual vitality.

“I love Thee, because Thou has first loved me, And purchased my pardon on Calvary’s tree. I love Thee for wearing the thorns on Thy brow; if ever I loved Thee, My Jesus ’tis now.”
— William R. Featherstone

More from July 2023

The Return Of The Spies

July 31, 2023

“Then Caleb quieted the people before Moses, and said, ‘Let us go up at once and take possession, for we are well able to overcome it.’” — Numbers 13:30 Have you ever faced a daunting task, one that looked not even remotely feasible? At times like this, God, who can do the impossible, wants us to have faith in His presence and in His ability to see us through. The ancient Israelites serve as an excellent example of what not to do under pressure. Faced with an overwhelming task, they failed to respond in faith. Moses had just sent twelve spies (one representative from each tribe) into the land to spy it out and bring back intelligence reports concerning the nature and strength of their adversaries. After some days, the spies returned from their trip throughout Canaan. They gave two reports: the majority report given by ten and the minority report given by two, Joshua and Caleb. The majority report said: “It [the land] truly flows with milk and honey . . . Nevertheless the people who dwell there are strong; the cities are fortified.” Upon hearing that, Caleb could not restrain himself. He had heard enough negative nonsense. He leaped to his feet and said, “Let us go up at once and take possession, for we are well able to overcome it.” But the ten other spies shot back: “The land through which we have gone as spies is a land that devours its inhabitants, and all the people whom we saw in it are men of great stature.” Then the people’s hearts melted within them; all night they “raised their voices and wept aloud.” Joshua and Caleb submitted the minority report, reminding the Israelites that with God’s help, they could take the land. But the people wouldn’t listen. These two men were the only ones with faith in God. And they became the only ones from that generation who eventually entered the Promised Land. These two men based their faith on God’s promises. That’s how they overcame their fears and fought to enter the Promised Land. We need to do the same thing. When circumstances overwhelm you and the task at hand is daunting, place your full faith in God and trust that He will deliver you into your promised land. QUOTE: “With God, go over the sea—without Him, not over the threshold.” — Russian Proverb

He Shall Return

July 30, 2023

“For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord.” — 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 As Christians we have an incredible event to anticipate—Christ’s second coming. Why do we know this will happen? Because more than three hundred times in the New Testament, the Scriptures very boldly state that Jesus Christ will return; even more prophecies are found in the Old Testament concerning His second Advent. And Jesus Himself declared it unequivocally, “I will come again, and receive you unto myself.” History marches on to that very moment; His return will be the great climax of all time. Are you ready for it? Every Sunday for centuries, the Christian Church around the world has confirmed Christ’s second coming. In the Apostles’ Creed, we declare, “From thence He (Jesus) shall come to judge the quick and the dead.” This is confirmed by the Nicene Creed, the Constantinople Creed, the Westminster Confession, the Thirty-Nine Articles of the Church of England, the Augsburg Confession, and all of the other great confessions of the Church. Jesus Christ is coming back to this world. Are you prepared? Although we know for certain that this event will happen, we don’t know when. Numerous people have claimed to figure out the exact day and time. (Imagine that—the angels don’t even know, but people rush in where angels fear to tread, and they proclaim both year and date.) But the Scripture says that Jesus will come at an hour when we won’t expect Him. He’ll come suddenly, like a thief in the night. He might come today or a thousand years from now. Either way we must be ready. Would you want the Lord to come today? Are you ready to be in His presence? From now on, live each day as if it’s the day He’ll return. QUOTE: “His [Jesus’] teaching on the subject quite clearly consisted of three propositions: 1. That he will certainly return. 2. That we cannot possibly find out when. 3. And that therefore we must always be ready for him.” — C. S. Lewis

The Guilt Is Gone

July 28, 2023

“In whom we have redemption … the forgiveness of sins.” — Colossians 1:14 Have you ever felt so guilty you couldn’t look someone in the eye? Guilt is tremendously motivating. While the possibility of feeling guilty may not stop us from doing something wrong, once we feel guilty, we’ll do almost anything to avoid being found out. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the creator of the famed fictitious detective Sherlock Holmes, once played a terrible practical joke. He wrote an unsigned letter and mailed it to twelve prominent men. It said, “All is discovered. Flee at once!” Within forty-eight hours all of them had left the country. Guilty. Though people in our society rarely use the word “sin” in conversation anymore, we can’t get rid of guilt, and it has a powerful effect on us. Guilt weakens and destroys. It can create a sense of anxiety—a nameless, unknown fear. It can produce a depression that hangs over our heads like a black rain cloud. It can make us feel unclean, soiled, worthless. It can give us such a poor self-image that we become our own worst enemies. Guilt can even create physical illness; after David sinned with Bathsheba, he said, “My bones grew old through my groaning all day long” (Psalm 32:3). There is a difference between guilt and guilt feelings. You may have bad feelings even though you’re not guilty. Psychiatrists may help you get rid of guilt feelings, but they don’t know how to handle guilt. Many of them don’t even like the word. They use “confused” or “mixed up priorities” instead. But the Bible says, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23) and “There is none righteous, no, not one” (Romans 3:10). Our guilt is so permanent, it seems engraved in granite. We cannot blame it away. We cannot push it down or trade it for another emotion. We can get rid of our guilt in only one way—by asking Christ for forgiveness. Do you need to ask His forgiveness for something today? Confess to Him, and unburden your heart. Allow Him to wash you perfectly clean. QUOTE: “What can wash away my sins? Nothing but the blood of Jesus. What can make me pure within? Nothing but the blood of Jesus.” — Mary Runyon Lowry