

January 31, 2016 • David Parker

We limit and lessen who we are and what our life can mean by the circle we draw, or let others draw, around our lives. The “more” that we are made for – the more that we ache for – cannot be satisfied by expanding the circle of things, experiences or even moments in our life. But drawing a larger circle of concern, identification and participation of our lives in the world will result in an expanded life of more. We must extend the circle of
how we see ourselves and how we see others – our common humanity – as a critical step toward an expanded life. We are created and redeemed for wider connection, for life-giving involvement and identification with others.


March 13, 2016 • David Parker

Paul says with regard to the uncertainty and confusion we face about the question of eternity that "if only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are to be pitied more than all men" (I Cor 15:19). If it is only for this life that we are reaching for more then we are aiming too low, we have set the circle of our lives too small. The ultimate end of Jesus' saving work for us is to connect us to "the fullness of life" which is eternal (Jn 10:10), unlimited by time and liberated from "the bondage to decay" we experience in this world (Rom 8:20-21).


March 6, 2016 • David Parker

To live with integrity is to speak, act and decide from a place of integrated wholeness, moral soundness, strength of character and conistency of conduct. Integrity is not something that is just natural to us, it is something we reach for, repent toward, and grow into more and more through a process of maturity and transformation. Integrity enables us to be the same person in public as we are in private, outside church as we are inside, at work as we are at home.


February 28, 2016 • Jonathan Rue