
What is Truth?

What is Truth? (1)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

That’s a very profound and penetrating question isn’t it? Derek said, “What is truth? This question has been asked by many different people in many different contexts. But the context in which we’re going to look at it today is one of the most dramatic and significant confrontations recorded in human history.” Listen to Derek’s explanation today…

What is Truth? (2)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

Derek explained that “Faith perceives [truth], then reason approves it. You have to get the order right. But there has to be a moment of intuition, a moment of commitment, a moment when, in a sense, you step out of the known realm and into the unknown and you make this faith commitment.” Today listen carefully as Derek explains how we obtain and incorporate the Truth in our lives.

What is Truth? (3)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

Today we’ll uncover a second answer Jesus gave regarding truth that will help us to fully understand and apply truth in our lives. Find out how to stay in the center of His will and not be pulled off into deception of any kind.

What is Truth? (4)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

This enlightening lesson by Derek Prince answers the question “What is Truth” This is something that’s important for us to know in order to stay on course in our lives. In previous programs Derek taught about Jesus and the Word as Truth. Today, we’ll find out about what Derek refers to as “the third coordinate of Truth.”

What is Truth? (5)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

How Shall We Respond to Truth? It’s not an insignificant question. Indeed, as Derek pointed out, “Our response to truth actually determines our destiny.” Let’s listen to how Derek explains it…