
First Church, The

First Church, The (1)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

This week Derek looks at the first church to see what our God-given standard should be. Today he focuses on what it is to be a witness. From personal experience the apostles told what they knew about the resurrection of Jesus and what it meant to them. This is what someone who has encountered the living Christ can do —tell others about their own personal experience with Him.

First Church, The (2)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

Today Derek speaks on the supernatural power the church received when the Holy Spirit was poured out. A whole new way of praying and preaching began. Praying that shook buildings and got results. Preaching that was done in power and conviction. The normal Christian life was a supernatural life!

First Church, The (3)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

The early church proclaimed the good news of the kingdom of God —that Jesus was resurrected as King. This didn’t sit well with the political and religious leaders of that time and continuously caused problems. The real problem, though, was that the church was right and the religious leaders needed to listen and to bow their knees.

First Church, The (4)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

Today we look at what the return of Jesus meant to the believers of the early church. Derek points to their motivation in preparing for Him —joy in having done their task, being blameless and holy, looking forward to their reunion with others who had died. Because of His return, there would be a higher plane and future age.

First Church, The (5)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

In concluding this week’s teaching, Derek stresses that same elements that were in the early church are for the church today, both collectively and individually. We have a King who is coming back and it is up to us to proclaim that Jesus is alive, ruling in our midst. As we do, the Holy Spirit will confirm our witnessing with power.