
From Curse to Blessing

From Curse to Blessing (1)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

Day to day we exchange money for things, and often try to get a bargain. Well, Jesus gave us an unprecedented deal. The day He died on the cross, a divine exchange occurred: He took our sin, and gave us all the good that was His. Listen to this series and understand the impact of how “Christ Was Made a Curse” for you. It will change your life!

From Curse to Blessing (2)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

What exactly is a curse, and what is a blessing? Do they really operate in the 21st century? Today, Derek Prince reveals powerful insights about the “Nature of Blessings and Curses.” We’ll discover curses are time-travelers – they can move from generation to generation. But God provides a way to stop them in their tracks and put blessings in their place. Learn how!

From Curse to Blessing (3)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

Have you ever experienced repeated failure or frustration in a certain area? If so, a curse may be in operation. Today you will learn how to recognize if a curse is operating in your life or the lives of others.

From Curse to Blessing (4)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

In our “enlightened” age, the notion of “curses” is viewed skeptically by most, considered a novelty by others, and a fascination to some. It is vitally important to recognize when a curse is at work and know the cause of that curse. In the same way, we also need to understand how blessings occur. Listen and discover life-changing truths.

From Curse to Blessing (5)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

Today we’ll learn about the basis of different curses. You may be surprised by some of the most common causes of curses, which include: trusting in man rather than God; being stingy; and not fulfilling your purpose in life. Don’t miss it! You can be set free from curses today.

From Curse to Blessing (6)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

It’s unrealistic to suggest that blessings exist but curses do not. In the same way, it is unrealistic to suggest day is real but night is not. Find out more causes of curses and hear about a tragic curse which stained the pages of human history for nineteen centuries.

From Curse to Blessing (7)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

Hear Derek explain three more sources of curses and give unusual examples of how curses have played out in the lives of people. “Don’t have the impression that Satan has no power!” he said. “But take refuge in this glorious fact that Jesus has given His disciples power over all the power of Satan.”

From Curse to Blessing (8)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

Obedience is the requirement for not only staying clear of curses, but also for having God’s favor, blessing and provision. Your will find out that it only takes four “R”s to break free and stay free from any curses in your life: recognize, repent, renounce, resist.

From Curse to Blessing (9)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

As you listen today, you will find out seven key elements to cutting off the curses in your life. You’ll be able to pray an effectual prayer and trust in God’s faithfulness and ability to deliver you from all the power of the enemy!

From Curse to Blessing (10)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

Today, prepare your heart to receive all God has in store for you! You can pray a step-by-step “Prayer of Release” and receive the freedom Jesus has provided. Then Derek will pray a power-packed prayer over your life to bless and encourage you. Don’t miss it!