
Facing the Future

Facing the Future (1)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

In Isaiah 46:10 God says, “I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is to come.” In this four week series Derek looks at what God has said in Scripture concerning events that are still in the future. We do not have to walk in darkness but in the light of His Word.

Facing the Future (2)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

God reveals certain things to us, and there are other things that we are not to know. It’s important for you to look at the future with an optimistic attitude. Don’t get hung up on trying to figure out things that aren’t meant for you to know. Concentrate on what is shown to you—and do it.

Facing the Future (3)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

Are we waiting for Jesus to come back or for the Antichrist to arise? As believers in Christ our hope should be in His return, and this expectancy should cause us to want to be ready for Him; to purify ourselves so that we will be blameless and holy in His sight.

Facing the Future (4)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

Jesus is seated at the right hand of God in the heavenlies as King of the universe, far above all rule and authority and dominion. We have been raised up and seated with Him there and we must learn to rule with Him. This is what He wants for us and has made available!

Facing the Future (5)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

The Lord is to rule through Zion, which is the assembly of God’s people. That is who we are and He has given us His authority to go into all the nations and make disciples of Christ. Then they, in turn, may learn to rule with Him. Since we are the body of Christ, His enemies will be made a footstool under our feet.

Facing the Future (6)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

Jesus said, “Just as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the days of the Son of Man.” Intense pressure and penetration from the occult realm, universal corruption of thoughts, the earth filled with violence, and widespread sexual corruption and perversion, all of which were rampant in Noah’s days. Do we not see them coming into full force in our world today?

Facing the Future (7)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

Today on the broadcast you’ll hear Derek explain just what happened during the days of Lot. As you listen, you will discover a startling similarity with those days and today. Fortunately, as Lot and Noah were both rescued, so will the Lord be faithful to His righteous ones.

Facing the Future (8)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

Jesus gave His disciples a list of signs of the end of the age. Derek looks at these, stressing that lawlessness leads to lovelessness, not just in the world, but among Christians as well. We must guard ourselves and continue in the true love of God.

Facing the Future (9)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

In 1948 the state of Israel was born and became a nation in its own land. Jesus’ analogy of the fig tree budding and then other trees putting out leaves, has become a reality. Derek relates some of his personal experiences of seeing these things happen, and how the Scriptures have prophesied them.

Facing the Future (10)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

What is the sign of the church of Jesus Christ? In Acts Peter quoted Joel’s prophecy that the Holy Spirit was being poured out. The latter rain was falling and still is today empowering the church and fulfilling biblical prophecy.

Facing the Future (11)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

The stage is set for the last scene of the end of the age to be played out. In the backdrop there are two contrasting color schemes: one is dark and somber and the other, brilliant and luminous. This world and its people are cloaked in darkness, but the people of God are set in brilliant light.

Facing the Future (12)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

How should we respond to end-time events? With optimism, commitment and by aligning ourselves with God’s purposes! Derek speaks prophetically of and to young people giving their all to serving God in His end time army.

Facing the Future (13)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

Understanding that God is more concerned with people than things is of utmost importance. The keyword used in this message is restoration. God wants to restore to His people all that belongs to them.

Facing the Future (14)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

Jesus is seated at the right hand of God in the heavenlies as King of the universe; far above all rule and authority and dominion. We have been raised up and seated with Him there and we must learn to rule with Him. This is what He wants for us and has made available!

Facing the Future (15)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

God has said He would gather Israel back to their land and the nations can either be part of blessing them or suffer the consequences. The nations determine their destiny by how they respond to the restoration of God’s people. You cannot have a neutral attitude. Get in line with what God is doing and pray for and bless Israel.