

Endurance (1)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

If you are interested in becoming a successful Christian, this teaching will take you a long way toward that goal. Perhaps you are going through a trying time right now. If so you can be encouraged by these truths.

Endurance (2)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

While “endurance” may not be necessarily a popular subject, it is a necessary subject that touches each of our lives. It takes endurance to walk safely through difficulties. Derek understood so much about this topic, so he taught not only from Scripture, but from a place of experience.

Endurance (3)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

Scripture prescribes the element of endurance as vital to our development and ultimate success as Christians. In fact, as you’ll hear today, tests and trails are the way we develop perseverance. You’ll want to listen closely to how Derek described two kinds of tests that ultimately make us or break us as Christians.

Endurance (4)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

It takes endurance to walk safely through difficult times—and through times of ease. Bottom line: endurance is a vital ingredient of success. But it is not enough to know we need endurance, we must also understand the “Steps to Achieving Endurance.” Listen to find out more…

Endurance (5)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

Endurance, however, provides us with many benefits—eternal benefits. In fact, Jesus tells us “he who endures to the end shall be saved.” Listen to discover two more keys to achieving endurance so you can receive the reward God wants to give you.