
Why Do These Things Happen to God's People?

Why Do These Things Happen to God’s People? (01)

Derek begins this week's message concerning The Sin of Independence by going back to the beginning: to Adam and Eve, and the serpent in the garden. Satan, the serpent, caused Eve to question whether what God said was the truth. Her response can be stated in three words, reflecting the downward steps Satan still uses today—doubt, disbelief, and disobedience.

Why Do These Things Happen to God’s People? (02)

Today Derek looks at Satan’s motivational speech to Eve. He asserted that she could do and be whatever she wanted and not have to depend on God. She fell for it and Adam joined in causing all mankind to partake of this fallen nature. Our answer to this problem is to reverse it by surrendering our all to God.

Why Do These Things Happen to God’s People? (03)

Derek begins his message today by exploring how we are to lay down our independence and learn dependence on God. One way that doesn’t seem too enjoyable is waiting. Trust the Lord and wait to see what He will do in your life. Seek what He wants you to do, not just follow your own plan. Abraham and Moses are great examples Derek uses to illustrate this point.

Why Do These Things Happen to God’s People? (04)

In today’s session Derek looks at how God deals with this problem of independence in man. We may find ourselves in a position like the one the children of Israel faced at the Red Sea—where there is nothing we can do but cry out to the Lord for help and then wait to see what He will do. He waits for us to become desperate and then He acts on our behalf.

Why Do These Things Happen to God’s People? (05)

Ending this week’s message Derek shares a few personal memories concerning his dependence on God. Derek finishes with an opportunity for those who are afraid of losing their independence or who have reached the point of desperation. Won't you make a decision and reach out to God for help?

Why Do These Things Happen to God’s People? (06)

Derek begins his exploration of the book of Job by giving an overview of a righteous man struck with calamity. What was his position before God? Derek gives us some details of his understanding of why Satan was working against Job. He then introduces us to Job’s three so-called friends.

Why Do These Things Happen to God’s People? (07)

In today’s message Derek gives much light on how Satan is allowed to do what he does—whether it is bring fire from heaven, sending destructive winds, other people, or attacking man’s health. This can be very helpful in considering the future events foretold in the book of Revelation. Another insight is Satan's ability to bring an attack on the character of God’s servants.

Why Do These Things Happen to God’s People? (08)

Today Derek begins takes a look at the friends of Job. He points out that their accusations of Job—his sinful life and those of his children—were totally false. Derek shows how these same accusations are brought against believers today in many ways, all coming from religious spirits that still cause trouble.

Why Do These Things Happen to God’s People? (09)

Derek examines Job’s response to the events that came upon to him and also to his friend’s accusations. At first, Job expressed reverent submission to God, then he lamented that he just didn’t understand why these things happened. Third, Job wanted to die. Lastly, Job affirmed his righteousness.

Why Do These Things Happen to God’s People? (10)

Derek explores Job’s declaration that he has a Redeemer and that one day he shall see Him. He then gives the assessment of his friends as being dried up and of no help. Derek uses Job to address why innocent people suffer. The wicked seem to prosper in this life, but what is their future after death?

Why Do These Things Happen to God’s People? (11)

Today Derek goes back to his remarks about prosperity to give a clear definition of what that word means. He applies that definition by looking how it is used in Scripture. Then begins to examine God’s response to the what Job had to say. God challenged Job's ability to handle creation—the heavens, living creatures, and the wicked.

Why Do These Things Happen to God’s People? (12)

Derek here looks at the creature that is called Leviathan, the king over all the children of pride. Yet God is over him; his Creator. Derek then speaks of God, who cares for even the smallest of creatures like the sparrow, and how He cares for us. Job sees God for who He is and humbly confesses his own ignorance.

Why Do These Things Happen to God’s People? (13)

Derek today looks at the end of Job’s story. When Job received that revelation of who God was, it helped to clear up a lot of questions. We see the wisdom of God in handling Job and his friends’ relationships by humbling them all. Derek emphasizes God’s ability to amply provide for us no matter what suffering or periods of perseverance we may go through.

Why Do These Things Happen to God’s People? (14)

In today’s study Derek looks at cultivating endurance. It is a character trait found among the steps in the Christian life. Derek then points to some lessons he has learned in Job—the first being that we can never understand all of God’s dealings. Next, God never surrenders His sovereignty to religious rules, but deals with us individually.

Why Do These Things Happen to God’s People? (15)

Derek continues in his lessons he has learned from the book of Job, pointing out that God’s priorities are different from ours. God is pleased with His faithful servants and as we seek Him revelation will come to us. We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works. He is for you, not against you, and has great things for you as you walk in faith with Him.