
From Time to Eternity

From Time to Eternity (1)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

In the first day of this study, Derek points out that eternity is an essential element of the nature of God. Eternity, by definition, denotes that which is outside of time or above time or beyond time—something that has no beginning and no end. God is an eternal being. He does not indwell time; He indwells eternity—and out of eternity, He operates in time. We can have eternal life only through knowing God revealed in Christ as Father.

From Time to Eternity (2)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

Today Derek explains why there is an internal conflict in man. That is, we love things in this natural world, but all the while knowing there is something better. Taking a closer look at creation, we see that man has two sources: the dust from below, the Earth; and God’s in-breathed breath from above. That is what we yearn for—the eternal element.

From Time to Eternity (3)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

In today’s study Derek looks at what happens when someone is reborn through receiving Jesus. God comes into our lives by His Spirit and rekindles that life of God which was born in us through creation. We get back in touch with eternity—and with eternal life.

From Time to Eternity (4)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

Derek speaks to situations where our enjoyment or value of the things of this life may have ended in disappointment, tragedy or frustration. God uses these events to remind us to keep a looser grip on the things of this world, but to hold fast to God and to the eternal.

From Time to Eternity (5)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

Derek finishes the week by pointing us forward to the ultimate satisfaction which God has provided for man’s reborn spirit. We may go through afflictions here on Earth, but they are nothing compared to the glory we will experience when we are at last home with the Lord.