

Forgiveness (1)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

Derek points out in his message today we should consider that these words proceed out of forgiveness: reconciliation, peace, harmony, understanding. How badly our world needs these concepts. Stay tuned throughout this week to see how Derek makes his points through the Scriptures

Forgiveness (2)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

Scripture tells us that the Lord laid upon Jesus the iniquity of us all. What type of sin? Murder? Fornication? Maybe not. But we all have turned to our own way—we have been self-pleasers, living by our own standards. We need God’s forgiveness. And once forgiven, God tells us they are remembered no more.

Forgiveness (3)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

Reconciliation with God also brings reconciliation with our fellow man. In Colossians Paul assures us that now there is neither slave nor free, circumcised or uncircumcised, or barbarian, but Christ is all, and is in all. All barriers have been done away with in the new creation in Jesus.

Forgiveness (4)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

It is necessary that we forgive one another, for Jesus said that if we don’t forgive then our heavenly Father will not forgive either. If we forgive others, God will forgive us in the same proportion. Derek then brings in the parable of the unforgiving servant to prove this point. Doesn’t it pay to forgive others of their debt to us?

Forgiveness (5)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

In his closing talk on forgiveness today, Derek points out that forgiveness is not an emotion, but rather a decision. We can decide to forgive. First, by recognizing our need to forgive. Second, by submitting ourselves to God’s Word. Then by making the right decision. Affirm it verbally—over and over if necessary. Forgive, as you want God to forgive you.